Nowadays, everyone wants to be a citizen of a well-developed country. They want to do it badly. But for that, they must clear IELTS, whether they want to go as a student or an employee.
Yes, it’s true!
No one can go abroad without clearing the IELTS exam. That is why they search for how to prepare for IELTS. Here, you will come to know about what is IELTS exam and how you can prepare for it.
So, stay tuned!
First of all, we understand the IELTS exam pattern; then, we move on to how to prepare for IELTS.
Having trouble in IELTS preparation, read our other blog, “11 Tips On How To Crack IELTS To Get 8+ Band Score.”
Table of Contents
What is IELTS?
IELTS is also known as International English Language Testing System. It is one of the most popular English proficiency tests all around the world.
This exam assesses 4 skills of your English language which are Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking.
This test is for those students who want to study, work, or migrate to another country where English is the main language.
This exam is accepted by over 10,000 organizations and universities as proof of English. A country like Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and the USA accept this test for University applicants. In India, you can give the IELTS exam in over 40 locations.
What Is The Purpose Of the IELTS Exam?
This exam is accepted for the following purposes:
Study abroad– Students who are planning for higher education in Abroad countries need to take an English language test that approves their proficiency. IELTS exam will help you to get admission in abroad universities.
Work abroad– Employers and professional organizations from English-speaking nations around the world recognize IELTS as the best English language assessment. Some colleges in non-English-speaking nations also require an IELTS score for courses that are taught in English.
Immigration – If candidates want to immigrate to abroad countries where English is the main language. It is necessary for them to take IELTS. Migration authorities in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia use IELTS to process immigration.
Types Of IELTS Exam
- IELTS Academic
- IELTS General Training
IELTS Academic
This exam is for those who want to go abroad for higher education where English is the main language.
IELTS General Training
IELTS GT is for those who want to move to major English-speaking countries such as United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. Candidates who want to enroll in secondary Education programs or training programs, and also who want to get job experience in Abroad countries where English is the primary language can also take this exam.
Now, you must know about the IELTS exam modules to know how to prepare for IELTS.
IELTS Modules-
It includes four modules-
- Listening
- Writing
- Speaking
- Reading
Before knowing the tips on how to prepare for IELTS, you must understand the marking criteria of the IELTS exam.
If you have any kind of difficulty in preparation for IELTS speaking, then our blog, “Best 17 Tips For IELTS Speaking To Get 8+ Band Score“, can help you.
The markup method of the IELTS exam-
The four sections aggregate the overall IELTS band scores. Each section of the IELTS exam is assigned a band score between 0 and 9. O is the least, and 9 is the highest.
Marking for IELTS Listening
For your convenience, a table is provided below to help you understand the marking criteria for IELTS listening.
Right Answers | Band Score |
39 – 40 | 9 |
37 – 38 | 8.5 |
35 – 36 | 8 |
32 – 34 | 7.5 |
30 – 31 | 7 |
26 – 29 | 6.5 |
23 – 25 | 6 |
18 – 22 | 5.5 |
16 – 17 | 5 |
13 – 15 | 4.5 |
11 – 12 | 4 |
0 – 10 | >4 |
Marking for IELTS Reading
Reading for academic and general training (GT) is different.
So, to help you understand both clearly, there is a table below.
Correct answers (GT) | Correct answers (academic) | Band Score |
40 | 39- 40 | 9 |
39 | 37 – 38 | 8.5 |
37 – 38 | 35 – 36 | 8 |
36 | 33 – 34 | 7.5 |
34 – 35 | 30 – 32 | 7 |
32 – 33 | 27 – 29 | 6.5 |
30 – 31 | 23 – 26 | 6 |
27 -29 | 19 – 22 | 5.5 |
23 – 26 | 15 – 18 | 5 |
19 – 22 | 13 – 14 | 4.5 |
15 – 18 | 10 – 12 | 4 |
12 – 14 | 0 – 10 | >4 |
Marking for IELTS writing
Your writing in IELTS is scored on the basis of some important criteria, which we will discuss below.
Task Response ( Task 1 ) | Give right informationMust give an overviewHighlight key featuresGive proper details of the data |
Task Response ( Task 2 ) | Answer the question accuratelyGive points that are relevant and supporting ideas.When asked give a clear opinionGive a conclusion |
Grammatical range and accuracy | Use a range of sentence structureUse different grammatical sentencesAvoid errorsUse proper punctuation |
Lexical resource | Do proper paraphrasingUse a range of vocabularyAvoiding spelling errorsUse collocations |
Coherence and cohesion | Organize ideas or arrange them properly into paragraphsHave minimum one main idea in each paragraph ( Task 2 )Use linking words |
You can also read our blog, “Best 8 Tips On How To Improve Writing In IELTS.” This blog will help you improve your writing and achieve 7+ bands in IELTS writing.
Marking for IELTS speaking
Your speaking section is marked based on four criteria, which are given below.
Fluency and Coherence | Talk without unwanted pauses and hesitationTalk at a proper lengthAvoid self-correctionUse a variety of linking wordsSpeak in a way that the examiner can understand |
Lexical resources | Use vocabulary and do proper paraphrasingUse collocationsDon’t use common vocabulary |
Pronunciation | Accurate words and their proper pronunciationAccent should not affect understandingShould have knowledge of intonation |
Grammatical range and accuracy | Use a variety of sentence structuresAvoid grammatical errors |
If you are struggling with vocabulary in the IELTS exam and don’t know where you can find the best vocabulary for IELTS, then you must visit our page, “Best List Of Vocabulary for IELTS With Meaning.” Here you can find the vocabulary for both IELTS speaking and writing.
So now you know about the IELTS exam format and marking criteria. Hence, we move to the main question: how to prepare for IELTS.
How to prepare for IELTS
You can prepare for IELTS in two ways-
- By yourself
- By joining the coaching centre
The initial step of preparing for the IELTS exam by yourself is to understand each section of the exam.

Understand the test format
It is very important to understand the IETLS test format. Without understanding the test format, you can’t crack the IELTS exam.
So, before starting a practice, understand the test format such as knowing all the types of questions that you will get in your IETLS exam. It is the first tip on how to prepare for IELTS.
Improve your English language skills and IELTS techniques
Focusing on only IELTS is one of the main mistakes that students make. They do many IELTS practice tests but they don’t work on improving their English.
Remember that learning IELTS is a process. On average, It takes 12 weeks to get a good band score.
start studying At least three to six months before your test. We highly recommend you find the best coaching center that will help you with English development and IELTS strategies. It is the second tip on how to prepare for IELTS.
Understand The Different Types Of Questions
You may have known that there are more thant 12 different types of questions for Listening and Reading.
And there are also more than 12 different types of questions for IELTS writing.
So, you should understand all types of questions because that will definitely give you huge benefits. Now you may think about how can these tips give you huge benefits.
Because each of them requires a different strategy and approach. It is the third tip on how to prepare for IELTS.
Make reading a habit!
Reading as much as possible is one of the finest strategies to enhance your reading and writing skills. It helps in understanding types of sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Reading also helps develop a rhythm, which is beneficial in the IELTS exam.
Another significant advantage of reading is that it broadens your knowledge. For example, in the 2nd writing task, you may be assigned to write on artificial intelligence, which you may already be familiar with via newspapers, journals, and magazines. You will have more writing ideas if you improve your reading abilities. It is the fourth tip on how to prepare for IELTS.
Work on your vocabulary
To properly convey your ideas and thoughts, you must understand language and idioms. However, utilizing a huge amount of words isn’t required. It also involves understanding how to use them accurately and efficiently.
As a result, focus on improving your vocabulary and studying transition words like “otherwise,” “but,” “however,” and “despite.” It will allow you to present to the examiner your grasp of the English language.
If you don’t know how you can send the score to the different universities, then you should read our blog, “How To Send IELTS Score To Universities?”
At home, try to communicate in English.
Your daily efforts will help you pass the IELTS exam with the highest band score. It is not necessary to practice speaking on specific IELTS topics; instead, speak about anything you choose in English. This schedule can help you enhance your fluency and accent while also boosting your confidence in your ability to communicate in English. It is one of the best tips on how to prepare for IELTS. It is the sixth tip on how to prepare for IELTS.
While speaking, record yourself.
Record your responses and listen closely to your pronunciation to detect your faults quickly. Listen to your responses for mistakes, make a note of them, consult an expert speaker, and learn the right pronunciation on YouTube or Google.
Furthermore, the internet is an ocean of free tools that may help you learn how to pronounce certain phrases.
Work on your grammar
The IELTS exam does not include direct questions about grammar. But it plays an important role in estimating your band score. You may improve your English writing abilities by practicing grammatical structures. If you use the correct grammatical structures, you will be able to communicate your ideas more successfully. You may work on your basics using a variety of grammar books available on the market for a reasonable price.
Create a daily study schedule.
A regular study schedule is vital, especially if you like to study independently. It helps in the recording of time and progress. Furthermore, sticking to a regular schedule might help you improve your performance. Self-studying is tedious; it takes a lot of effort and time, so creating and sticking to a schedule may help you focus.
Practice mock test
The IELTS exam is not tough, but getting your desired band score demands a lot of preparation. Mock exams are available on various websites. However, it would be beneficial if you solely practiced from current papers because you will become more familiar with test modules and forms.
Furthermore, several questions/topics on the IELTS exam are frequently repeated. As a result of studying these papers, you will get more familiar with the topics, and you will be more likely to be asked a question about them on your actual test. It is one of the best tips on how to prepare for IELTS.
All the above tips help prepare for your IELTS exam. Now, we move on to the topic that if you prepare for the exam by joining a coaching center.
Stay positive
To prepare for the IELTS exam by yourself, you must stay positive at all times and in any situation. It is very important in practice because if you stay positive, you will pick up new things easily and fast.
If everything is not going as you want or everything is not in your control, then if you lose hope, it can break you up. You may also lose confidence in these types of situations.
Because of all this, you won’t be able to concentrate on your work and it is possible that you may not get desired band score.
So you should stay positive to get good band score in IELTS.
Benefits of Joining the IELTS Coaching
1 Mentorship is essential.
In terms of IELTS, it is not a school exam to be taken lightly or to crack. Mentorship in these areas is useful. It might be a coaching teacher, an online course, or a private tutor. A proper way is required for your course, and in this, an IELTS expert can help you.
If you feel that a student will learn regardless of whether a mentor or course is available or not, you may be mistaken. A student gathers information from several sources and seeks for the greatest available opportunity. But a mentor instructs you on what to learn and what not to learn.
2 Mentor experience helps you in learning
It is another tip on how to prepare for IELTS. If you choose coaching or a tutor, it’s not guaranteed you will be learning from clever people. Experts and exponential ones who have gone through multiple IELTS tests will help you in the IELTS exam preparation and patterns.
You may also look at the prior results these teaching professionals have achieved in their tests. Mostly scoring more than outstanding grades, consistently getting good marks, or having a large proportion of their students succeed” in IELTS. Finally, the opportunity to learn from experts is a gift that you should take advantage of as soon as possible.
3 Connections & Network
IELTS coaching centres and professionals have an extensive network and numerous connections. Some coaching centres and experts are connected to numerous groups and professions, even globally. To make your route simpler, you should use these networks and relationships. Even knowing the examiner in the test room boosts one’s confidence. The network also allows you to connect with other experts and developers who can help you achieve your goal.
4 Group discussion
Let’s consider what you need to know to pass the IELTS exam. Is it just the pattern and course? What are your questions and answers? How should you proceed?
You should be aware of various hidden thoughts and concepts in addition to these immediately relevant features. For example, what changes can you make before taking an exam, what happens after the exam, a good mark for different universities, or how to secure your admission? These are important questions that should not be ignored. A mentor or an IELTS coaching centre will provide you with the necessary information and skills (like a degree over a diploma).
5 Practicing material is easily available
When you join any institute, then it becomes very easy for you to find the proper study material to practice. You don’t have to search for the material on Google or in a bookshop.
It’s your instructor’s duty to provide you with the latest content and notes to study and practice.
If you are finding it difficult to calculate your overall band score and want to learn how you can calculate your overall band score, then you must visit our page, “How to calculate IELTS score: Everything you should know.”
Tips for Exam Day
When you give the IELTS exam you should have some important tips for Exam day. Here are the tips below to do your best on Exam day:
- You should get to bed early because you will need a lot of sleep before the exam.
- Eat a good breakfast more than you normally do. So, while giving the IELTS exam you won’t get tired and hungry.
- You should wear comfortable clothes. You are not going to show off your fashion sense in the exam. You wear those clothes, in which you are comfortable.
- Collect your ID and all your important documents one day before the exam.
- You should know where the test center is and how to go there.
- You should go to the test center early.
- Bring some water and some healthy food with you. Remember that don’t drink water too much because bathroom breaks may take up time.
- Don’t hesitate. Remember that stress is very normal. So, use that nervous energy to focus, but don’t allow it to control you.
So, “start preparing for IELTS and clear your exam with flying colours.”
FAQs (How to prepare for IELTS)
Is IELTS difficult to pass?
No, it’s not difficult to pass the IELTS exam. If you don’t prepare for it with full concentration, then it can be possible that you find it hard to clear the IELTS exam in your first attempt.
How long should I prepare for the IELTS?
For an average student, it is enough to prepare for 7 to 9 weeks for the IELTS exam. After that an average students easily give and crack the IELTS.