Homework is now an essential part of the educational process; it facilitates and improves learning.
We’ve been completing tasks since we were in elementary school. And few of us were considering who invented homework. Why was homework invented?
Who was Robert Novelis? Who was Horace Mann? Was homework invented as a punishment?
In this blog, we’ll learn who invented homework and why, and the brief history of homework.
Who invented homework?
We have no clear idea who invented homework although many people do homework most days of the week.
Many names are included with the invention of homework.
In reality, anyone who has attempted to learn something has most probably practiced it in their own place and time, so homework is simply a part of the learning process.
Homework was first mentioned in ancient Rome, in the writings of Piny the Younger, in 1AD.
Pliny, an oratory teacher, is said to have asked his students to practice public speaking at home to boost their confidence.
At the end of the 19th century, homework became universal as school/colleges became compulsory worldwide.
Why Was Homework Invented?
Over the years, supporters of homework have given a variety of reasons for its creation.
These are some of them:
- Students can consolidate their learning by practising what they’ve learned in school;
- Teachers and students can uncover learning gaps when students hand in assignments that they’ve completed independently;
- It provides students extra time to study something;
- It helps students manage their time.
On the other hand, homework has not always been popular, and in the early 1900s, it was even banned in the state of California for 15 years.
Who Was Roberto Novelis?

Roberto Novelis might well not be anyone.
It is frequently said that this name is responsible for the invention of homework.
But he might not even be real, because no one appears to know whether he developed homework in 1095 or 1905.
He is supposed to have devised the concept of homework to punish what he saw to be lazy students.
However, there is no formal confirmation of this story or even his existence.
Who Was Horace Mann?

Horace Mann was a nineteenth-century politician and educational reformer.
He believed strongly in compulsory education and was essential in the establishment of state-funded education in the United States.
After seeing it in the German Volksschulen, or “People’s Schools,” when he visited in 1843, he brought the idea of mandatory assignments to be done at home – homework – to the United States.
Brief History of Homework

- 1901-1917: All students under the age of 15 in the state of California were prohibited from doing homework. A number of letters and statements opposing homework were published in the Ladies Home Journal and the New York Times.
- 1930: The American Child Health Association proclaimed homework to be a kind of child labour, which was a novel legal idea in the United States at the time.
- 1950: During the Cold War, the United States went on a large homework push in order for American children to thrive, particularly in math and science.
- 2000 onwards: The idea that homework was harmful to a child’s or family’s health resurfaced with the publication of homework books.
Meanwhile, students in the United Kingdom often have more homework than kids in many other European countries. I hope you have known about who invented homework.
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Was Homework Invented As a Punishment?
Yes, at first, Roberto used homework as a form of punishment. however, He also used it to guarantee that students fully absorbed and comprehended what they had studied. But because homework was created at a time when the globe was creating a formal education system, it became a vital part of that system.
People in countries like the United States, on the other hand, did not take education seriously until the twentieth century. Parents considered schooling as a hindrance in such places because they wanted their children to help them with household tasks. However, During World War II things changed when such countries realized they required educated personnel, such as scientists.
Homework in the public school system in the United States
Homework is given in schools for several different reasons. One reason is to give students a chance to put what they’ve learned in class into practice. Homework can also help kids learn how to study and handle their time. Students can also learn how to work independently by doing their schoolwork.
But there are different opinions on how much study is too much. Some experts say that giving kids too much schoolwork can harm them. They say it can cause stress, worry, and burnout. They also say that it can cut into students’ free time, which is important for their social and mental growth.
The amount of homework given changes from school to school and teacher to teacher. But some broad rules can be used as a guide. The National Education Association (NEA) says that elementary school students shouldn’t have more than an hour of schoolwork per night, middle school students shouldn’t have more than two hours of homework per night, and high school students shouldn’t have more than three hours of homework per night.
These are, of course, just suggestions. The right amount of homework for each student will depend on their needs and how well they can do it. Parents and teachers must work together to find the right balance for each kid.
Here are some ways to get your homework done:
- Set aside a certain amount of time every day to do homework.
- Find a place to work where it’s quiet and no one will bother you.
- Break up big chores into smaller ones that are easier to handle.
- When you need a break, take one.
- Ask for help if you are suffering.
Benefits Of Homework

Is homework actually beneficial? Of course, there are numerous advantages for students. Let’s take a look at all of the advantages that homework can give to students in various ways.
Encourages Students To Be Disciplined In Their Practice.
Homework assists in the installation of discipline in students. Frequently, you will receive the same type of work for homework as you did in class. Practicing the same task over and over will improve your abilities in that area. You will gain a clearer and more informed understanding of the subject. If you are studying mathematics and solving a hundred numerical problems, you will gain knowledge in that subject. Reading the same material twice or three times at home will also help you gain a good grasp of the subject. Discipline like this will benefit you in other aspects of your life as well.
Involvement of Parents In Children’s Life
Parents are perplexed when they see their children’s homework. That’s quite normal. However, homework has helped in the development of a close bond between parents and children. Parents that assist their children with schoolwork learn about their child’s weak areas. Furthermore, parents want to see the homework since it will help them understand what their children are learning in school. This particular benefit is primarily for school students.
Students Learn Time Management And Research Skills
Students frequently struggle with time management. Homework helps with time management. Students will recognise the importance of time and abandon their procrastinating habits. Make a schedule and stick to it when you get your homework. A well-planned timetable will keep you motivated and on track. While doing your assignment, you will also gain research skills. You must conduct extensive research on a certain work in order to prepare for research papers and dissertations.
Homework Creates a Safe Environment For Learning.
Despite the fact that school and college are places where students should be studying, they are frequently distracted. Distractions from friends and other activities cause them to lose attention. A home is a place where one can be completely comfortable while also being able to concentrate. It is possible to learn effectively at home as well. Home is the ideal place to study because it is free of interruptions and has a quiet environment.
Demerits of homework

Due To Homework, There Is a Lack Of Physical Activity.
Being studious is a great thing, but physical activity is also required for a healthy lifestyle. You may have noticed that universities and institutions have begun to overburden students with homework. They don’t have any spare time at home to do other things. Due to a lack of time for outdoor activities, homework has become a barrier to students’ growth and physical development. Furthermore, a lack of physical activities causes tension among students. This has a direct impact on academic performance. As a result, many students have begun to seek online homework assistance. They prefer to hire professional writers to help them manage their academic and personal lives.
Stuck At Various Points
Students get stuck at various stages when working on their assignments. They don’t understand the concept of clarity, and they never get the right solution to a math issue. They may require assistance from some teachers or professors in such situations. Most of the time, it is not available at home.
No Time For Vacations
Students who study abroad spend little time with their families. They have so much homework and assignments that they don’t have time to spend with family or friends even on vacation. That is why most students perceive homework to be a difficult academic activity to complete and want to know “who invented homework.”
Part-Time Job Students Find It Tough
Many students work part-time jobs while pursuing their studies at the university level. Homework is difficult for such students. They have to sit with schoolwork after working for nearly half a day for their bellies. In a nutshell, homework is destroying their physical and social life. Thanks to online assignment help services, students may get support when they need it.
Increasing Stress In a Student’s Life
As you can see, there are a variety of factors that make homework a nightmare for students. As a result, students frequently ask, “Who invented homework?” They are so frustrated that they want to track down the culprit and punish him for his crime. In fact, however, this is not achievable. However, it is true that homework has contributed to a variety of mental health issues among kids. They are constantly under pressure to perform effectively and complete the assignment on schedule. Their health is unquestionably deteriorating, and homework is the primary cause.
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How Homework Improves the Quality of Education
You must realize that the main goal of homework is not to manage people or to punish children! This is just a fantastic approach to organizing and memorizing all of the material that has been studied. Many critical talents cannot be developed without homework. Of course, professors provide them with a wealth of material during class, but the purpose of homework is to integrate that knowledge with practical assignments in order to demonstrate how effectively the student has studied and comprehended the subject.
Many experienced psychologists believe that assimilation of both knowledge and activity approaches is critical. It encourages students to think outside the box, discover the information they need to complete a task, learn new abilities, manage their time, and apply their new skills and knowledge in the future. Every student receives their homework grades, which motivates students to spend more time studying at home, absorb the content thoroughly in class, achieve good grades, and be noticed and encouraged by their teachers.
Why Should Homework Be Banned?
Even with all the potential benefits of homework, some people say it should be prohibited because spending more time on it costs children too much time, produces a stressful environment at home and at school, and fosters unequal access to resources between rich and poor families.
In addition to these concerns, some opponents of homework argue that helping their children with homework is unfair to parents who work long hours or have numerous jobs outside the home.
The other side of the argument for making homework illegal is that if it were made illegal, students would spend more time doing other constructive things like sports or spending time with their families. The concept is based on the premise that children will be better prepared to engage in these activities if they had a day off from school.
The final point is that homework does not always boost learning or grades; in fact, some research suggest that the amount of time spent on homework and standardised test scores may be negatively correlated.
Students’ work quality deteriorates when they become tired or bored while completing it, and they don’t learn from homework if all they care about is finishing it.
Those who oppose banning it propose giving children smaller amounts of work to do each night instead of an entire night’s worth of homework.
Quick Facts About Homework
- Roberto Nevilis isn’t the person who invented homework.
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte invented homework.
- Horace Mann, who is wrongly credited with inventing homework, brought it to the United States in the nineteenth century.
Conclusion (Who Invented Homework)
In this blog, we have discussed who invented homework in detail. Regardless of who invented homework, it is here to stay.
While homework has many advantages, educators must know when and how to use it as a tool to classroom learning rather than as a replacement.
anxiety, depression and anger are common symptoms of overworked children.
Homework is not always useful for students because it might take time away from studying or playing outside, both of which are essential for a child’s holistic development.
If you have other ideas and questions about who invented homework and why feel free to share your comments in the below section.
FAQs Related To Who Invented Homework
Is it normal to cry over homework?
Sometimes, homework upsets our children. Executive function deficits, learning disabilities, or difficult subjects can make children cry or lash out during homework time.
How is homework harmful?
“The findings were troubling: Research showed that excessive homework is associated with high-stress levels, physical health problems and lack of balance in children’s lives; 56% of the students in the study cited homework as a primary stressor in their lives,” according to the CNN story.