The SAT exam is very important for high school students who want to pursue higher education in the USA. 

As the competition for college admission is increasing daily, achieving a good band score in the SAT exam is very important for students. 

SAT exam scores help students to get admission to a top educational institute in the USA. It is important to properly prepare for the SAT exam to get a high score. 

There are numerous methods or ways to prepare for the SAT exam, but books are the most traditional and appropriate approach for SAT preparation.

In this blog, I will discuss the best SAT exam preparation books that students can use for a high score.

I will also give the name of the best section-wise books for the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) preparation. But first, you must understand what criteria I used to create a list of the best books for SAT preparation. 

Let’s get started!

Criteria for Selecting SAT Exam Preparation Books

While selecting the best SAT exam preparation books, there are some criteria that you must consider. 

Content Coverage

The first thing that a good preparation book must have is complete content related to the exam.

The book you choose must cover all three sections of the SAT exam and have an overview of the complete SAT.

The book must have practice tests with explained answers and tips to improve every type of question in the SAT exam.

Full-Length Practice tests

The second thing I have looked for while creating a list of the best SAT exam preparation books is full-length practice tests.

Taking full-length practice tests is important for students to get their current level and check whether they are improving or not.

Updated Editions

The book students should use for preparing SAT exam should be of the latest edition. The updated edition books contain all the new or latest information about the exam.

For example, if there is any change in the exam’s format, structure, or question types, then the updated edition book will have all the updated information that a student must know.

Reputable Publishers And Good Reviews

The book you choose must be written by a reputable publisher like, officials or any other SAT exam service provider and have good customer reviews. 

Study Plan and Organization

The last thing I looked for while creating the list of best SAT exam preparation books is whether the book provides a proper study plan. 

There should be a proper study plan for all types of students: beginners, intermediate, and advanced. 

These are the criteria I looked for to get a list of the best books for the SAT exam; now, let’s move to the main focus of our blog.

If you want to learn how to prepare for the SAT exam at home, you must read our other blog.

Best SAT Exam Preparation Books

There are some highly recommended options available when it comes to the best books for SAT preparation.

Here is the list:

  • The Official SAT Study Guide (by The College Board)
  • The Princeton Review’s Cracking the SAT Premium Edition
  • The College Panda’s SAT Math
  • The Critical Reader: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading (by Erica L. Meltzer)
  • The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar (by Erica L. Meltzer)
  • Barron’s SAT
  • Kaplan’s SAT Prep Plus

The Official SAT Study Guide (by The College Board)

This book provides authentic practice tests with explained answers and proper explanations about the SAT exam, as the exam creators published this book. 

You will get updated information about the SAT exam in this book and the latest exam questions that students can practice. 

There will be proper strategies for SAT exam preparation that students can use to boost their scores.

The Princeton Review’s Cracking the SAT Premium Edition

Students will get a complete overview of the SAT exam in this book, along with the practice tests, and tips or strategies for every type of question in SAT. 

This book is quite popular among students because it provides an in-depth explanation for every question and an approach to target every section of the SAT exam.

The College Panda’s SAT Math

It may be clear by the name of this book that this book will mainly focus on SAT math. Students will get proper information about the math concepts tested during the exam.

Students will get a clear explanation of the basic math concepts. This book also provides strategies that students can use to improve their ability to solve the numerous mathematical problems given in the book.

The Critical Reader: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading (by Erica L. Meltzer)

This is a highly recommended SAT reading preparation book that students can use to improve their reading skills for the SAT exam.

There are different strategies in detail for answering the different question types. So if you aim to improve your reading skills for the SAT exam, this book is for you.

The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar (by Erica L. Meltzer)

The next book on the list of the best SAT exam preparation books is The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar. 

This book mainly focuses on SAT writing and grammar preparation. Students will get to know the basic grammar rules and common mistakes students make by using this grammar book for SAT exam.

Students will get the practice exercises for the writing and language sections of the exam according to the latest exam pattern. 

This book is for you if you mainly focus on improving your writing and language skills.

Barron’s SAT

This book focuses on overall preparation for the SAT exam and provides content review, practice questions, and full-length practice tests for SAT preparation. 

Students will get detailed answers with proper explanations in this book, providing additional online resources for SAT exam preparation.

Kaplan’s SAT Prep Plus

The reason to add this book to the list of best SAT exam preparation books is that students will get the video lessons and quizzes along with this paper book.

Students will get full-length and question-wise SAT exam practice tests that will help them boost their scores in the SAT exam.

Section-Wise SAT Exam Preparation Books

MathReadingEnglish And Language
SAT Prep Black Book

Barron’s SAT Subject Test Math Level 2

Dr. John Chung’s SAT Math

McGraw-Hill Education SAT 2022
Barron’s SAT Critical Reading Workbook

The Princeton Review’s Reading and Writing Workout for the SAT
The College Panda’s SAT Writing: Advanced Guide and Workbook

Barron’s SAT Writing and Language Workbook


In SAT exam preparation, books play an important role. So it is necessary to prepare from the best SAT exam preparation books.

The books I have provided in the list are chosen by using proper criteria, like Content Coverage, Full-Length Practice tests, and more that I have mentioned above.

Some students do not need a book that focuses on all three sections, they are only required to prepare for a specific section. 

Those students can choose the books that are designed for a specific section. You can also get the list of those books in this blog.

I hope this blog has cleared all your queries about the SAT exam preparation books, if you still have any questions, you can contact our experts

Keep visiting CourseMentor™ for more informative and interesting content like this. 


Why do we need a book for SAT preparation?

A book provides complete information about the exam, including strategies, practice tests, and a properly organized study plan. So a book is the best method of preparing for the SAT exam.

Are SAT prep books worth it?

Yes, they contain complete information about the SAT exam, like the format, structure, and question types in the SAT exam. They also provide full-length practice tests that will give you a real-exam experience.