Do you want to repeat the particular task using a section of code? Yes, you might be!! Sometimes, there is a need to repeat the specific task numbers of time. For that, the Matlab user can use the Matlab while loop function.

There are two key points that a Matlab user should keep in mind: 

  • The conditional statement provided in the while condition must be true to get work.
  • If the statement is not satisfied, the while function will never get executed.

Apart from this, there are several points that you must know about Matlab while loop. Don’t you know those points? Do not worry; I will provide all the necessary details about the while loop in Matlab. So, keep scrolling the page.

Overview of Matlab software

The Matlab software tool is being used by research organizations, industries, universities, and schools for academic purposes. MATLAB works on the principle of MathWorks, or we can also say that MATLAB originated from MathWorks. 

But to use this software tool. One should have a license for this program to use.

Many schools and universities use these software tools to teach the concept of engineering, scientific computation, research, mathematics, and much more. 

There are multiple basic building blocks in MATLAB. Loop is the base of MATLAB, and it consists of several groups. Moreover, loops are divided into small groups: for Loop, While Loop, If Loop, and much more.

What is Matlab while loop?

A loop is a structure for repeating a calculation or a set number of calculations a predefined number of times. Each repetition of a loop is known as a Pass. Unlike in a For Loop, the number of passes is not known in advance. The While loop is used when the looping process terminates because a prescribed condition is met.

Let us see how a typical structure of a While loop works. And how you would read it. 

Matlab while loop

The program evaluates the statements, and that logical expression is false. At the same time, this logical expression is true. The Loop ends, and the program proceeds with any lines of code after the end statement.

How does the Matlab while loop work?

First of all, there should be a boolean condition that can evaluate by the while loop.

Secondly, there must be some action that would be carried out for the boolean condition.

Finally, the control of the loop keeps on moving as per the condition’s nature. That means whether it will work or stop working for the false statement.

How do you write a while loop in Matlab?

The basic syntax of the Matlab while loop is:

while expression



Interpretation of the syntax:

  • While is the while loop’s keyword.
  • Expression is the condition, which needs to be true in the case of the while loop.
  • The statement is the action that executes when the condition is true.
  • The end is again the keyword that suggests where the programs get ended or closure.

Let’s understand the while loop in Matlab through an example!

Matlab while loop

In this case, we start by initializing a variable x which has a value of 2. And while x is less than 20. The statements are evaluated, which in this case, the new value of x is assigned the value of 3 times the current value of x minus 1. 

In this condition, we can have two important points to notice when working with While Loops.

First, the loop variable must have a value before the while statement. If we forget to initialize the variable x, we would have nothing to compare to this logical expression. 

If there was no x, you could not evaluate the logical expression x less than 20.

Second, the variable must be changed by the statement. So, in this case, the loop variable is x, and it must be changed. If it is not, then it will run into an infinite loop. 

If x were always equal to 2, then it would also always be less than 20, and this Loop would run infinitely.

How does the above program get executed?

=> First, we will initialize the variable x, which is assigned the value of 2. Then we evaluate our logical expression in that the current value of x is 2. Which is less than 20; that statement is true. Here we begin our first loop pass by evaluating the statement.

=> The new value of x is assigned 3 times the current value of x minus 1. And our new value of x is now 5. 

=> Returning to our logical expression, we will continue to complete loop passes while this statement is true.

=> So, our current value of x is 5, which is less than 20. This statement is true. Again, we evaluate our statement; our new value of x equals 3 times the current value of x minus one. 

=> Now, the value of x is 14. Now returning to logical expression, and it is still true. Our current value of x, which is 14, is less than 20. This logical expression is true.

=> We will begin with the third loop pass; in this, we evaluate our statement with the new value of x, which is equal to 3 times the old value of x minus 1. 

=> Now, the new value for x has a value of 41. This time we evaluate our logical expression. Our current value of x is greater than 20. 

=> So clearly, this statement is false. And that’s the end of the While loop.

Now, check some other examples of Matlab while loop!

Example 1

Matlab while loop


The value of x: 10

The value of x: 11

The value of x: 12

The value of x: 13

The value of x: 14

Example 2

Matlab while loop


a = 1

a = 2

Tips for while loop in Matlab

  • You created an infinite loop that can stop the execution by pressing Ctrl+C.
  • When the conditional expression evaluates the given matrix, Matlab evaluates the specified statement only when the matrix elements are nonzero. 
  • If you want to stop the loop programmatically, use the break statement.
  • In the case of nested while statements, the while statements need to be ended up with the end keyword.

Final Thought!!

Recently, Matlab got a boost in the programming language, especially for universities and schools. It is a great software tool, which helps many schools and colleges to educate their students well. Therefore, I have detailed the use of Matlab while loop to know how to repeat a particular task using while loop.

If you are unable to execute any of your Matlab while loop programs, let me know. I will provide the guideline for your program in the best possible way. Comment your queries in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Matlab have do while loop?

No, there is no do-while loop in Matlab, such as C, C++, and other programming. But, while evaluates the conditional statement at the starting of the given loop instead of the end.

What is for loop and while loop in Matlab?

The FOR loop can be used when the iterations number is known before the loop is started. On the other hand, the WHILE loop uses when the number of iterations is known within or inside the loop.