If you are preparing for the IELTS exam, then you would have to immerse yourself in the English language. English can be a tough language if it has been your second language in school. 

In this blog, I will describe the 50 difficult words with meaning. 

The IELTS exam tests your knowledge of the English language on many bases. To ace the IELTS exam, you need to have a strong English vocabulary knowledge of the English Language. You should know some hard words which you can use in the different sections of the IELTS exam.

The use of 50 difficult words with meaning in different sections of IELTS 

The IELTS exam consists of 4 different sections, all of which require you to know at least 50 difficult words with meaning. I will tell you the importance of these hard English vocabulary words in all these sections.

IELTS Reading section

In this section, you are required to read some paragraphs or comprehensions and then answer some questions related to them. Several hard words can be included in this segment, for which you need to know these 50 difficult words with meaning.

IELTS Writing section

In this section of the IELTS exam, you are required to write essays about random topics. Writing is the section in which the knowledge of these 50 difficult words with meaning can be most helpful.

IELTS Listening section

In this section, as the name suggests, you have to listen to some audio and answer questions related to it. Many difficult English vocabulary words may be used in the audio, and you should know their meaning to answer the questions related to them.

IELTS Speaking section

In the speaking section of the IELTS exam, you can easily impress the examiner by using any of these difficult words in your answers. But you need to know the meaning of these words, too, as there may be some counter-questions.

Let’s now look at the 50 difficult vocabulary with meaning. The English vocabulary words that we will provide below will be helpful of the path of systematic vocabulary improvement.

List of 50 Difficult words with meaning

Anachronistic- The meaning of Anachronistic is antique or misplaced chronologically.

For example- All the items in the set were placed anachronistically by the group.

Asperity – The word Asperity means to be harsh in some manner.
Example – His tone had a touch of asperity when he was correcting us.

Decry – To decry means to express strong disapproval of something.
Example – He gets very angry at those who decry his decisions. 

Puerile – To puerile means to display a lack of maturity.
Example – We should not entertain her puerile behavior as she is thirty-five years old now.

Incontrovertible – Something that is Impossible to deny.
Example – The fact that our social media usage is too much is incontrovertible.

Inviolate – Something or someplace that must be kept sacred.
Example – The lawyer claimed that the temple must be inviolate.

Puissant – Puissant means powerful.
Example – Most teenagers today dream of having a puissant body.

Cosset – Cosset is referred to excessive indulgence in something.
Example – When the politician arrived at the airport, he was cosseted with garlands and fans.

Eclectic – Something is said to be Eclectic when it derives the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources.
Example – All the universities claim that their campus and course offer an eclectic mix of cultures.

Iconoclast – An iconoclast is a person who criticizes or attacks cherished ideas and beliefs.
Example – He was an iconoclast for the King, and thus he was prosecuted.

You should also read, “Best 100+ Vocabulary For IELTS Speaking.” This list will be helpful for you to get a good band score in IELTS speaking.

Anachronism – Anachronism refers to something that is inappropriate for a given time period.
Example – In today’s digital world, a DVD player is an anachronism. 

Belie – The meaning of Belie is to give a false representation or to misrepresent.
For example – The movement of his hands belies the truth he’s been claiming. 

Arrant – The meaning of Arrant is Complete or wholly
For example – To ignore global warming would define as being an arrant fool.

Untoward – The meaning of untoward is Inconvenient
For example – I find attending online lectures untoward as it does not make me feel included in the class, and it is not interactive too.

Byzantine – Byzantine is used to refer to something Complex and intricate.
For example – You can’t just adopt a child like that, you have to complete the byzantine procedures of filing an adoption plea in the courts.

Conciliate – The meaning of Conciliate is to make peace with.
For example – All attempts at conciliation had failed, and World war 2 seemed inevitable.

Equivocate – Equivocate means to speak vaguely or speak with the intention of misleading someone.
For example – Politicians often say that they will work on the issue of traffic and accidents, but they are just equivocating to get the votes.

Truculent – Truculent refers to being fierce or having a savage nature.
For example – The truculent attitude of farmers to the new farm laws introduced in the Upper house is inspiring.

Diatribe – To diatribe means to attack a person verbally.
For example – The students at the university have launched a fierce diatribe against the Vice Chancellor because of the hike in the fees.

Quisling – Quisling refers to a traitor.
For example – They had the quisling soldier of the army detained.

Artless – without cunning or innocent.
For example – His artless comment on the painting was mistaken for rudeness.

Vie – Vie refers to Competing for something
Example – All the religions are vying to prove their religion to be most supreme.

Decimation – Decimation refers to the killing of a large part of the population.
Example – The forest fire in the Amazon River Basin led to the decimation of thousands of wildlife species.

You should also read, “Best List Of Vocabulary for IELTS With Meaning,” to improve your vocabulary.

Garrulous – Garrulous means talking too much
Example – He was so garrulous that he continued to tell his story even thorough no one was interested in listening.

Hubris – Hubris refers to overbearing pride.
Example – His humble attitude was refreshing in the football team, which was drowning in hubris.

Dovetail – Dovetail means to fit together tightly.
Example – You should organize your schedule in such a way that all the things dovetail.

Impetuous – Impetuous refers to undue haste and lack of thought.
Example – The impetuous teenagers of Gen Z have developed a mindset to play with emotions just for fun.

Circumlocution – Circumlocution refers to expressing something in an indirect way.
Example – He got his VISA after years of circumlocution.

Ambitious– It means to have big dreams and hopes
Example – He was too ambitious to stop on that job

Peripatetic – It refers to traveling by foot
Example – In India, many people go on a peripatetic journey to temples.

Magisterial – It is when someone exercises unwarranted power
Example – Most of the policemen had raided the houses of people crossing the magisterial boundary.

Blinkered – It refers to having a limited perspective
Example – You should be ambitious and not have a blinkered view of your life.

Maudlin – Being overly emotional
Example – We had no idea that he would react in a maudlin way when we told him the story.

Invective – The use of abusive language
Example – Road rage in Delhi often leads to people talking invective to each other.

Remonstrate – It refers to making objections while pleading.
Example – Children are weird sometimes, they always put up a tantrum and remonstrate by doing silly things.

Along with the 50 difficult words with meaning you must know some Idioms For IELTS Speaking.

Sartorial – Something related to fashion
Example – The bride and the groom arrived in sartorial splendor.

Sybarite – Sybarite is a person who indulges in luxury
Example – He didn’t like to travel in public buses, he always traveled by car like a true Sybarite.

Inundate – It means flooded.
Example – The new restaurant was inundated because of the opening offer.

Curmudgeon – it means a Surly person.
Example – My neighbor uncle is a curmudgeon person, he keeps our soccer ball that mistakenly come into his yard.

Anodyne – Something that soothes you or relieves your pain.
Example – Tea has been the favorite anodyne of Indians since the Britishers introduced it. 

Dolorous – It refers to showing sorrow.
Example – The beggar used a wise trick of loudly uttering a dolorous phrase that would make everyone sympathize with the beggar.

Solicitous – When someone shows hovering attentiveness.

Example – The man at the subway was weirdly solicitous in inquiry about my family.

Impugn – To attack as false or wrong.
Example – His false claims made him scrutinized and impugned.

Despot – It means a cruel and oppressive dictator.
Example – The Republic of North Korea is suffering from its despot.

Splenetic – Something or someone who is irritable.
Example – The boy was shouting so much, and his mom didn’t even notice how splenetic he was.

Abrogate – Revoke
Example – The Supreme Court has the power to abrogate laws imposed by parties for their motives and are unconstitutional.

Inveterate – Habitual
Example – He had become an inveterate addict of morphine.

Officious – Intrusive in an offensive manner.
Example – ‘I’ll see to it,’ the policeman said, with an officious movement of his hand.

Pillory – Expose to public scorn.
Example – The ridiculous thing is that the politicians are praised and widely pilloried for their heinous crimes.


In this blog, we have discussed 50 difficult words with meaning.

These were a lot of words, right? Well, don’t worry, you don’t need to learn all of them by heart. Just go through all of them twice or three times. Don’t try to learn; just read. 

These 50 difficult words with meaning will help you in any competitive exam or any language exam that has a segment of English in it. These words will surely also help you ace your IELTS exam. 

You can try to use at least some of these words in your general introduction. The examiner will surely be impressed,, but only if you use all of the words correctly. 

If you want to use some words, try to search for some more examples for them. All the best for your preparation. 

We hope we have cleared all your queries about 50 difficult words with meaning. For more content like this, keep visiting CourseMentor™.


How to learn vocabulary fast?

Here are some of the best and easy tips for learning vocabulary fast:
1. Use Memory Techniques.
2. Create a learning environment. 
3. Put the words in context. 
4. Learn from real-life situations.
5. Take it to the next level.
6. Find the tools that work for you.
7. Make it interactive.
8. Focus on useful words.

How to increase your vocabulary & improve score in IELTS Speaking?

Here are some of the best tips to increase vocabulary and improve IELTS speaking score:
1. Buy a dictionary for idioms and read that for a minimum of 10 days.
2. Read magazines and newspapers.
3. Make it a habit to watch the news or anything in English.
4. Learn synonyms for words that are commonly used.
5. Read articles on different topics (climate, health, education, etc.).

What are the best vocabulary books?

Here is the list of best vocabulary books:
1. “McGraw-Hill Essential ESL Dictionary”
2. “English Vocabulary in Use” Series
3. “Oxford Picture Dictionary”
4. “504 Absolutely Essential Words”
5. “NTC Vocabulary Builders”
6. “Word Power Made Easy”
7. “Merriam-Webster Vocabulary Builder”