Vocabulary To Score 9 Bands In IELTS Writing With Examples

Here are Vocabulary To Score 9 Bands In IELTS Writing.

1. Meticulous 

Meaning :- Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

Example: The artist was meticulous in every brushstroke, creating a masterpiece.

2. Ubiquitous 

Meaning :- Present, appearing, or found everywhere..

Example: In today's world, smartphones have become ubiquitous in daily life.

3. Efficacious 

Meaning :- Effective, producing the desired result.

Example: The new drug has proven to be highly efficacious in treating the disease.

4. Copious 

Meaning :- Abundant in supply or quantity.

Example: The historian found copious evidence to support her theory.

5. Mitigate 

Meaning :- To make less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: Planting trees can help mitigate the effects of climate change.

6. Incessant 

Meaning :- Continuing without pause or interruption.

Example: The incessant noise from the construction site disrupted the neighborhood.

7. Exacerbate 

Meaning :- To make a problem, situation, or feeling worse..

Example: Ignoring the warning signs can exacerbate the seriousness of the medical condition.

8. Indispensable 

Meaning :- Absolutely necessary; essential.

Example: Teamwork is indispensable for achieving success in most projects.

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