Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words With Meaning

Here are Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words With Meaning.

1. Serendipity 

The occurrence of fortunate events by chance.

2. Ethereal

Extremely delicate and light, suggesting a sense of heavenly or celestial beauty.

3. Luminous

Radiating light or glowing with brightness.

4. Mellifluous

Sweet-sounding and smooth in speech or music.

5. Petrichor

The pleasant, earthy smell after rain.

6. Aurora

A natural light display in the sky, particularly in polar regions.

7. Susurrus

A soft, murmuring or rustling sound, like the whisper of leaves or a gentle stream.

8. Sonorous

Deep, rich, and full in sound.

9. Effervescent

Bubbling, lively, and enthusiastic.

10. Cynosure

Bubbling, lively, and enthusiastic.

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