IELTS vocabulary hindi meaning ke sath

Dacoit A member of a robber band (डाकू) Daft Foolish (मूर्ख) Daggle To run through mud and water (कीचड़-पानी में दौड़ना) Dairy A building for keeping milk and cream (दुग्धशाला) Dally To delay (देर करना)

Dally To delay (देर करना) Dam Mother of animals (पशुओं की मां) Damage Harm (हानि) Dame A lady (स्त्री) Damp Chill (ठंडक)

Dandle To pet (लाड करना) Dandruff Scurf on the head (रूसी) Danger Liability to harm ( भय) Dazzle To surprise (चकित करना) Dealer A trader (व्यापारी)

Dear Beloved (प्रिय) Dearth Scarcity of food (कमी) Each Every one (हर एक) Eager Keen (उत्सुक) Earmark To assign money for a definite work (पैसा सुरक्षित रखना)

Earn To gain by labour (कमाना) Earnest Sincere (सच्चा) Earth Soil (मिट्टी) Earthquake Earth’s shaking (भूकंप) Ease Comfort  (आराम)

Ebony Very black (बहुत काला) Echo Sound reflection (गूंज) Eclat Splendor ( शान) Economical Frugal (कम खर्च ) Ecstasy Rapture ( परम आनंद)

Edge Border ( किनारा) Edible To prepare for eatable (खाने योग्य)  Edit Publication (संपादन करना) Fabric A structure (रचना) Fabricate To make ( बनाना)

Fabulous Amazing (आश्चर्यजनक) Face To oppose with courage (साहस से सामना करना) Facility Ease (सरलता) Fact Anything actually true (सच्चाई) Factory A building in which goods are manufactured (कारखाना)

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