English Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning(कठिन शब्द हिंदी मतलब के साथ।)
Kick Strength and encouragement (प्रसन्नता या रोमांच)
Kindle To make a feeling grow in someone (कोई इच्छा या भावना उत्पन्न करना)
Kingpin Important (role, person) (महत्वपूर्ण)
Kiosk Small shop (छोटी दुकान)
Jeopardy Danger (खतरा)
Jettison To reject or abandon something unwanted (principle responsibility) (त्याग देना)
Join hand with To work together in a work (साथ देना)
Judicious Sensible (decision, selection) (समझदारी भरा)
Imply To suggest or mean something indirectly (किसी बात का परोक्ष रूप से संकेत करना)
Imposing Impressive to look at (प्रभावशाली)
Improvise To make changes in original to suit the condition (बदलाव करना)
Impulse Sudden desire (बिना आधार के अचानकउत्पन्न इच्छा)
Implication Indirect meaning or result (अप्रत्यक्ष अर्थ या आशय)
Implicit Indirect and not clear (अस्पष्ट)
Implicit faith Absolute or strong faith in something (दृढ विश्वास)
Implore To request earne ‘tly (अनुरोध करना)
Imperishable Lasting for a long time (टिकाऊ, लंबे समय तक)
Impetus Encouragement (प्रोत्साहन)
Implacable (enemy opponent) that is difficult to pacify or satisfy जिसे शांत करना संमय नहीं है
Implicate To bring charge against someone (आरोप लगाना)
Impediment Hindrance (in progress)
Impel To force someone do something (दबाव डालना, मजबूर करना)Imperative Necessary, Urgent (आवश्यक) Imperative need Urgent need (आवश्यक आवश्यकता)
Impart To provide (knowledge quality) (प्रदान करना) Impeach To bring charge against someone (आरोप लगाना)Impeachment Accusation of a serious crime (महाभियोग)Impede To obstruct (बाधित करना)
Imminent Likely to occur very soon (जिसके तुरंत होने की सम्भावना हो)
Immunity Protection against disease or punishment (रोग प्रतिरोधक)
Impact To affect (प्रभाव)
Impair To damage or weaken (growth vision) (नष्ट करना)
Banking exam ki tayari kaise kare(बैंकिंग एग्जाम की तैयारी कैसे करे।)