English Vocabulary Hindi Meaning Ke Sath(कठिन शब्द हिंदी मतलब के साथ। )
Appendix - Added in the end (परिशिष्ट)
Appetite - Hunger (भूख)
Applaud - To praise (प्रशंसा करना)
Apple of the eye - The pupil (आँख का तारा)
Appliance - Tools (साधन)
Bombastic - Pompous (दिखावा)Bonafide - True (सत्य)Bond - Agreement (बंधन)Bondage - Slavery (गुलामी)Bone - A piece of skeleton (हड्डी)
Cadre - Centre (केन्द्र) Cajole - To cheat by flattery (चापलूसी से ठगना)Calibre - Ability (योग्यता)Bosom friend - Close friend (खास दोस्त)
Daggle - To run through mud and water (कीचड़-पानी में दौड़ना)Damp - Chill (ठंडक)Dearth - Scarcity of food (कमी)Dame - A lady (स्त्री)
Eager - Keen (उत्सुक)Earnest - Sincere (सच्चा)Ebony - Very black (बहुत काला)Edible - To prepare for eatable (खाने योग्य)
Fag - To work hard (कठिन परिश्रम करना )Fabricate - To make ( बनाना)Garb - Clothing (कपड़े)Garish - Bright (चमकीला)Gem - Precious stone (मणि)
Imbibe - To adopt (knowledge quality) (ग्रहण करना) Implicit - Indirect and not clear (अस्पष्ट) Implore - To request earne ‘tly (अनुरोध करना)
IELTS Listening test tips (IELTS Listening टेस्ट टिप्स)