10 Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences & Meanings

10 Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences & Meanings

10. Break fresh/ new ground

Doing something that has never been done before

9. Burn your boats/bridges

Doing something that makes it impossible to go back to the original state.

8. Scrape the barrel

Making the most of the worst situations or things because you can’t do anything about it

7. Up in arms

Being grumpy or angry about something

6. Back against the wall

Stuck in a difficult circumstance with no escape

5. Good things come to those who wait

To have patience

4. Your guess is as good as mine

I do not know

3. Hit the sack

Go to sleep

2. Get your act together

Get organized and do things effectively

1. Beat around the bush

To avoid talking about what’s important

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