10+ New Words In English With Meanings You Should Know

Here are 10+ New Words In English With Meanings.

1. Abnegation

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Denial; renunciation of a doctrine or belief. 

2. Athleisure

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Comfortable and casual footwear & clothing designed for exercise and rigorous activity.

3. Cringe

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To feel ashamed or embarrassed by what someone else is doing or saying. 

4. Delicense

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To deprive a vehicle, business, or person of their license (official permission to operate). 

5. Eradicate 

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To destroy something completely down to its roots. 

6. Efface

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To remove, typically by erasing or rubbing. 

7. Fatuous

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Devoid of intelligence

8. Gaffe

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A tactless or socially-awkward act. 

9. Infirm

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Lack of vitality, or bodily & muscular strength.

10. Jovial

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Displaying high-spirit merriment. 

11. Multifarious

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Diverse, or multifaceted. 

12. Microfinance

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Financial services that are provided to individuals & communities in rural & developing areas. 

13. Onboarding

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The process of integrating a new employee into a team or organization. 

14. Raconteur

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A person who is skilled in telling anecdotes. 

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