Top 10 Hardest Languages to Learn

1. Mandarin Chinese - Complex characters and tonal nature make it challenging for non-native speakers.

2. Arabic - Unique script, pronunciation, and regional dialects add to its difficulty.

3. Japanese - Three writing systems (hiragana, katakana, kanji) and contextual nuances.

4. Korean - Complex grammar and honorifics system, despite its logical Hangul alphabet.

5. Russian - Cyrillic alphabet and intricate grammar rules with six cases.

6. Hungarian - Complex grammar with 18 cases and extensive vocabulary.

7. Finnish - Agglutinative structure and numerous cases make it tough.

8. Polish - Consonant clusters and seven cases in its grammar.

9. Icelandic - Ancient vocabulary and inflected grammar.

10. Navajo - Tonal language with complex verbs and no common roots with English.

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