Top 10 Hardest Degrees in the World

1. Engineering: Intense coursework in mathematics, physics, and complex problem-solving.

2. Medicine: Requires years of rigorous study, clinical practice, and examinations.

3. Architecture: Demands creativity, technical skills, and long hours of detailed work.

4. Physics: Involves abstract concepts, advanced mathematics, and extensive research.

5. Mathematics: Covers highly theoretical and challenging problem-solving techniques.

6. Law: Intensive reading, understanding complex legal principles, and analytical thinking.

7. Chemistry: Complex lab work, in-depth study of chemical reactions and compounds.

8. Pharmacy: Combines chemistry, biology, and medicine with a focus on pharmacology.

9. Actuarial Science: Requires proficiency in mathematics, statistics, and financial theory.

10. Aerospace Engineering: Involves advanced physics, engineering principles, and high precision.

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