10 Uses of Chemistry in Our Daily Life

1. Cooking - Chemical reactions transform raw ingredients into delicious meals.

2. Cleaning - Detergents and disinfectants use chemical principles to remove dirt and kill germs.

3. Medicine - Chemistry helps develop drugs and treatments to cure diseases and improve health.

4. Cosmetics - Formulation of skincare and beauty products relies on chemical compounds.

5. Food Preservation - Chemical preservatives keep food fresh and safe to eat.

6. Fuel - Combustion of gasoline and natural gas powers vehicles and heats homes.

7. Textiles - Dyeing and treating fabrics involves various chemical processes.

8. Water Treatment - Chemicals purify drinking water, making it safe for consumption.

9. Agriculture - Fertilizers and pesticides improve crop yield and protect plants.

10. Batteries - Chemical reactions in batteries power electronic devices and vehicles.

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