10 Things You Should Not Buy at Costco While on a Retirement Budget

1. Bulk Fresh Produce: Risk of spoilage; smaller households can't consume all.

2. Perishable Foods: Opt for frozen to avoid waste on expiry.

3. Non-Essentials: Stick to essentials; skip non-listed items to save.

4. Single-Use Cleaning: Avoid pricey, single-use items; opt for multipurpose.

5. Electronics: Older models, potential for early replacements; compare prices.

6. Bulk Batteries: Expiry, charge loss make bulk purchases wasteful.

7. Unhealthy Snacks: Large quantities contribute to health issues.

8. Household Furniture: Consider cheaper alternatives; buy only essentials.

9. Books: Limited selection; explore libraries or online options.

10. Over-the-Counter Medication: Beware of expiry; avoid overstocking.

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