10 Fun Facts About Australia

1. Unique Wildlife - Australia is home to animals found nowhere else, like kangaroos, koalas, and the platypus.

2. Great Barrier Reef - The world's largest coral reef system, visible from space.

3. Coastal Living - Over 85% of Australians live within 50 kilometers of the coast.

4. Land of Beaches - Australia has over 10,000 beaches, more than any other country.

5. Multicultural Nation - Over 200 languages are spoken, with English, Mandarin, and Arabic among the most common.

6. Uluru - Also known as Ayers Rock, it’s a massive sandstone monolith in the Northern Territory.

7. Sydney Opera House - One of the most iconic and distinctive buildings in the world.

8. Island Continent - It’s the only country that’s also a continent and the sixth largest country by land area.

9. Sports Enthusiasm - Australians love sports, with cricket, rugby, and Australian rules football being particularly popular.

10. Boomerang Origin - The boomerang, an ancient hunting tool, originated with Indigenous Australians.

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