10 Examples of Qualitative Research

1. In-depth Interviews - One-on-one conversations to explore participants' thoughts and experiences.

2. Focus Groups - Group discussions to gather diverse perspectives on a topic.

3. Ethnographic Studies - Immersive observation to understand cultural practices and behaviors.

4. Case Studies - Detailed examination of a single subject or group to uncover insights.

5. Narrative Analysis - Studying personal stories to understand how people make sense of their experiences.

6. Content Analysis - Analyzing text, images, or media to identify themes and patterns.

7. Phenomenological Research - Exploring lived experiences to understand the essence of a phenomenon.

8. Grounded Theory - Developing theories based on data collected from participants.

9. Participatory Action Research - Collaborating with participants to address community issues and create change.

10. Discourse Analysis - Examining language use in communication to understand social and cultural contexts.

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