10 Examples Of Metaphor

1. Time is a thief - It steals moments and memories from our lives.

2. Heart of stone - Describes someone emotionally unresponsive or unsympathetic.

3. The world is a stage - Life is like a play where everyone has a role to perform.

4. Broken heart - Represents emotional pain and sorrow.

5. A blanket of snow - Describes how snow covers the ground uniformly.

6. Voice of an angel - Refers to someone who sings beautifully.

7. Eyes are windows to the soul - Suggests that one's emotions and thoughts can be seen through their eyes.

8. He has a heart of gold - Describes someone who is very kind and caring.

9. The city is a jungle - Implies the city is wild and full of dangers.

10. Life is a rollercoaster - Describes life as having ups and downs, like a rollercoaster ride.

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