Education is the most important thing in human life; it is like the building block of a good person.

Good education teaches a human how they can be a good human.

Everyone knows about the importance of education, but do you know that education does not have only one type?

There are different types of education like formal education, informal education, etc.; we will talk about this later in this blog.

I am sure many of you do not know about these education types; education is not limited to the four walls of your classroom.

Just going to school or college and memorizing the facts is not Education; it is beyond that.

Today in this blog, we will talk about those education types which are present all around the world.

This blog will help you to know about the different education types, and you will get very valuable information about it.

So, if you want to know about this, keep reading this blog till the end.

What is education?

Education is the type of thing that we can’t explain with just a simple definition. 

According to Etymology ( the study of the history of words), education is derived from the Latin word “Educare”, which means to train.

Education is a process in which someone trains or teaches other people; generally, we consider school and institute teaching as education.

By this definition, we can say that two important roles are required for proper education.

  1. Teacher
  1. Student

Both people are required for education; if a teacher is not present in this education system, there will be no one to guide students.

And if students are not present, there will be no one whom teachers can teach.

But there are some education types where this statement will seem wrong.

Different People have different ways of thinking about education; some think that education is just going to school and memorizing the information given in the books.

On the other hand, some people have completely different thinking about education.

Albert Einstein once said -:

Einstein thoughts on education

What are the Types of Education?

As we said in the introduction of this blog, education has different types. 

With different factors, we can divide education into many different types, but these are the main three types of education that are mostly used worldwide.

  1. Formal education
  1. Informal education
  1. Non Formal education
types of education

Formal Education 

Formal education is the most basic and used type of education; I am sure you are aware of this type.

Formal education is the type that is done in a decided place and decided time regularly.

In this type of education, students have some subjects like math, history, science, etc., and students have to study these subjects.

Informal education, students have a fixed schedule, and they have a syllabus for all the subjects, and the students have to read these all. 

I do not think we have to give an example for this as we know you already know about this, but we still have to fulfill our duty.

So, The Schools and colleges are accurate examples of Formal education.

Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages of Formal Education 

It is hierarchically Structured. You can get knowledge in a systematic way.The biggest disadvantage of this is that it can be costly for some families.
In formal education, everything is planned from the start.In formal education, you get grades on the basis of your performance.Sometimes you can get bad teachers, which will only waste your time.
Formal Education has teachers which can guide students.There are teachers in this, which will guide you in your studies.In formal education, you have to study with other students, so you can be influenced by some bad habits of other students.
Students get grades on the basis of their performance in formal education.This is the most basic source to gain study.If you have learned a concept, sometimes you have to wait to learn a new concept because some other students are facing problems in those concepts..
Formal education is subject oriented.You get a certificate in this study.Your knowledge will be judged on the basis of how well you memorized the concepts.
In this, you have to pay fees regularly.In formal education, you study the concepts which will help you in getting a job in future.All students are not the same, so an average student can feel demotivated by watching other brilliant students.

Informal Education

Education does not just study; if you ask someone about education, then most people will talk about studying in school or colleges.

But the meaning of education is vast than this. 

There are different kinds of education which you get in your life.

Like, remember your parents or big brother or sister teaching you how to ride a cycle.

Oh!! Good old days!!

That was also a part of your education, in the same way, you learn different types of things in your life.

Like joining an internship in a company, you learn different things while working.

The company is not your school or college, but it is still a education type because you learn many things there.

So, the education you got from another source than your school or college or any type of standard circuliam is known as informal education. 

The education you get from your environment, like your values, behavior, and all those things, is known as informal education.

Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages of Informal Education

Informal Education is not planned.It is cheap because you do not have to pay for this.Since you can learn it from anywhere, you can get some bad values if you get influenced by a bad person.
There is no syllabus in this education type.You can learn it from everywhere, your parents are enough to teach you good values.You will not get a certificate or any type of degree in this.
There is not any type of regular fees in this.In informal education, you do not have to follow a strict routine. Informal education will not help you to get a job, but it will help you to maintain your job.
You can learn it from people around you.This education focuses more on how to be a good person rather than an intelligent person.Because you do not have to follow a strict schedule, you can leave your informal education learning in the middle.
It does not require a professional teacher.You do not have to give exams in this.It takes a long time to learn such skills, because you do not have a proper syllabus.
It is like a fun activity for students.This education helps you to live a life full of values.There is no proper guidance in this, you have to understand for yourself what is right or wrong.

Non Formal Education

Non Formal education is like the mixture of the above two kinds of education.

This type of education occurs in the school and colleges or at some specific places to develop different types of skills in students.

For example, swimming classes of your school or college, sports events or a seminar on a specific topic.

All these are great examples of non-formal education.

Non – formal education is a great education method or type that helps students to find and develop their hidden talents.

It also builds social skills and values in the students.

Non Formal education is very important for every student, specifically for school students.

Now every school, even the government, understands the importance of informal education.

That’s why many events happen in the schools at some time intervals throughout the year.

So that with study, students can learn some other skills which will be helpful for them in their future.

Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages of Non Formal Educations

It is a planned but not as planned as formal education, its timing is flexible.In this, you do not have to follow a schedule.Sometimes, it wastes a lot of students’ time.
It can be free or sometimes it can be paid.You can develop different types of skills in this.Most of the time, the students do not get a certificate or award which can help them in future.
You get practical knowledge in non-formal education.In non-formal education, you can choose any type of skill according to your capabilities.Lack of professional teachers of non-formal education.
Non-formal education can be full time or part time. It helps students to find their hidden talents.There are no regular exams of this Non Formal education.
There is no age limit to gain this education.It is an open minded educational system.Some institutes give fake certification of non-formal education.

Some other types of Education

Above, we have talked about three main education types.

But those three types are not enough to divide a term like education.

Education has many different types; the above three types are the most important ones.

These are some other education types -:

  • Direct education
  • Indirect education
  • Individual education
  • Collective education
  • General education
  • Specific education

Conclusion (Types Of Education)

So, this was the blog about “types of education”.

In this blog, I had shared information about different education types; there are mainly three types: formal education, informal education and non-formal education.

But I also shared some other education types, so that you can get a brief knowledge about this topic.

We hope you liked this blog and now you do not have any doubts regarding this topic.

But if you still have any doubts, you can ask us in the comment section; We will surely help you.

Also, Read

FAQs Related To Types Of Education

What are the 3 types of education?

Formal education, informal education and non-formal education are the 3 types of education. Education has many types, but these 3 are the most general education types.

What are the different education types?

Education has many types; some of the main types are -: Formal education, non-formal education, informal education, direct education, indirect education, Individual education, collective education, general education and specific education.