Rishi Sunak Cracks Down On Fraud University Degrees In UK: The United Kingdom (UK) has some of the best institutes in the world, and studying for a degree can be rewarding. But too many youngsters are being misled with unrealistic expectations and eventually register for poor courses funded by taxpayers but do not provide possible employment opportunities.

That’s why Sunak said we are working to crack down on fraud university degrees while boosting apprenticeships and skills training provision. In this article, we will discuss Rishi Sunak cracks down on fraud university degrees in UK. 

Rishi Sunak Cracks Down On Fraud University Degrees In UK

On Monday, the Prime Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak, revealed plans for a crackdown on fraud degrees provided by some colleges and universities in the country that do not lead to the proper employment opportunities for candidates. 

A 43-year-old leader of British India wants the higher education sector to focus on increasing apprenticeship opportunities for young people, which would benefit them in the job market in the long term. 

The Department for Education (DfE) has proposed imposing strict regulations on university courses that do not produce positive outcomes, such as high dropout rates and poor job prospects. Rishi Sunak said this new measure would help more young people to select the correct path to help them reach their potential and grow the economy. 

The OfS (Office for Students) in England will be asked to limit the number of candidates universities can recruit for courses that fail to provide good student results. The Dfe said it wants to build a system for British taxpayers and students, who ultimately invest in higher education and are responsible for billions of pounds in unrecovered tuition fees if the graduate’s earnings are low. 

The UK education Secretary, Gillian Keegan, said all British taxpayers and students expect the right value of money on the financial investment they did in the higher education sector. Gillian is the person who has always spoken about her internship experience in a car factory.

She mentioned that these new actions aim to stop higher education providers from offering poor courses, conveying a strong message that we won’t tolerate students being sold a false promise. Students must be equipped with the necessary skills to secure excellent employment opportunities and success in their chosen field of study, in line with the Prime Minister’s objective to boost our economy.

According to data from the OfS, around 30% of graduates cannot secure highly skilled jobs or pursue further studies within 15 months of graduation. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) estimates that one in five graduates would have been financially better off without pursuing higher education. 

Philip Augar, chair of the independent Review of Post-18 Education and Funding, believes that universities should control their recruitment practices in the best interests of students. 

The government aims to ensure that universities and colleges provide high-quality education and that young people are encouraged to choose the right path for their future, whether it is a university degree, an apprenticeship, or a higher technical qualification.

Also, the DfE plans to reduce the maximum fee that universities can charge for classroom-based foundation year courses from GBP 9,250 to GBP 5,760. Foundation year courses are an additional year of study designed to help students prepare for specific degree programs, such as in medicine or veterinary sciences. 

The OfS will continue making it easier for candidates to assess the quality of courses offered at the university, including their income potential, to make informed decisions about where and what to study. So, the government also plans to launch a new digital platform and streamlined process to simplify access to apprenticeships for students and employers. 

So, it is all about Rishi Sunak Cracks Down On Fraud University Degrees In UK.

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Source:- economictimes.indiatimes.com