PTE is a popular English language test students take to prove their English language proficiency. 

Now when Canada started accepting the PTE exam under the SDS category, the popularity of this exam increased more.

IRCC also announced that they would start accepting the PTE test for PR and a work permit by the end of 2023. 

So whether you are a student or a person looking for job opportunities in an English-speaking country, getting a high score on the PTE exam is very important.

To get a high score on the PTE exam, it is essential to have good vocabulary knowledge, so in this blog, I will give the PTE vocabulary list that will help students fulfill their dreams. 

So let’s get started!

Strategies To Build Vocabulary For PTE

First of all, before you learn the vocabulary for the PTE exam, you must be aware of some strategies that will be helpful for you to improve your vocabulary.

Reading extensively

You must read different reading materials like books, online articles, blogs, and academic texts to know different vocabulary. 

As you are learning vocabulary for the PTE exam so you must focus on reading academic and formal texts because you will get the academic-related vocabulary in the PTE exam.

Utilizing context clues

When you read something and find any new word whose meaning you are unaware of, use its surrounding words to understand. 

There are some collocations where some words are used together note how words are commonly used together to understand their meaning and usage.

Using technology and online resources

You can use different resources online or offline to learn vocabulary. Many online applications or apps can help you learn different vocabulary and create a PTE vocabulary list. 

You can create flashcards with new words and use mnemonic techniques to connect them with memorable images or stories.

Practicing active vocabulary 

While talking to friends, use new words in conversations. You can also join discussion groups and practice your vocabulary.

Use new words in your writing practice, such as essays, reports, or journal entries, to remember their meaning and usage.

These are the tips a student can follow to get a high score in the PTE exam; now, let’s see the list of PTE vocabulary.

PTE Vocabulary List

Here are the most common PTE common spelling and vocabulary for the PTE exam; you will also get an option of downloading the pdf of the vocabulary list. 

Acquireto gain or obtain something through effort or experienceIt is essential to acquire good study habits to succeed in the PTE exam.
Coherentlogical, and consistent; clear and easy to understandThe speaker presented a coherent argument supported by relevant examples.
Diversevaried or different in nature; showing a range of differencesThe PTE exam assesses diverse language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Elaborateto provide more detail or information about somethingIn the essay, the author elaborated on the causes and consequences of climate change.
Inevitablecertain to happen; unavoidableWith the advancements in technology, the digital transformation of industries is inevitable.
Preciseexact, accurate, and clearly definedProviding precise answers in the PTE speaking section is important to convey information effectively.
Reluctantunwilling, or hesitant; showing resistanceThe student was reluctant to speak in public, but with practice, they gained confidence.
Unprecedentednever done or experienced before; unique or exceptionalThe technological advancements in recent years have led to unprecedented changes in various industries.
Validitythe quality of being logically or factually sound; the state of being validThe research findings were questioned due to concerns about the validity of the data.
Widespreadexisting or happening over a large area or among many peopleThe PTE exam has gained widespread recognition as a reliable measure of English language proficiency.
Ambiguoushaving multiple possible interpretations or meaningsThe instructions for the task were ambiguous, leading to confusion among the participants.
Comprehensivecomplete, and thorough, covering all aspectsThe textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the subject matter.
Discriminateto recognize a distinction or difference between thingsIt is important not to discriminate against individuals based on their race, gender, or religion.
Exemplifyto serve as a typical example or instance of somethingThe student’s dedication and hard work exemplify the qualities of a successful learner.
Inherentexisting as a natural or essential part of somethingRisk-taking is inherent in entrepreneurship.
Mitigate to make something less severe, harmful, or painfulEffective measures should be taken to mitigate the impact of climate change.
Resilientable to recover quickly from difficulties or challengesThe team demonstrated a resilient spirit and bounced back from their defeat.
Substantiateto provide evidence or proof to support a claim or statementThe research study substantiated the hypothesis through empirical data.
Undermineto weaken or diminish the effectiveness, power, or authority of somethingConstant criticism can undermine an individual’s self-confidence.
Versatileable to adapt or be used in various ways or for various purposesThe candidate’s versatile skill set makes them suitable for various job roles.

PTE Vocabulary List pdf

Resources To Learn PTE Vocabulary

After getting the PTE vocabulary list, here are the best resources that you can use to improve your vocabulary for the PTE exam.

  • Official PTE Preparation Materials: Start by exploring the official PTE preparation materials provided by Pearson itself. It includes vocabulary exercises and sample questions that are directly related to the exam.
  • Vocabulary Books and Guides: There are various vocabulary books and guides specifically created for improving vocabulary for PTE or any other English language test. Go for the book that has vocabulary word lists with proper meanings and examples. For example, “PTE Academic Vocabulary: Advanced 2022 Edition” by Ibrar Hossain and “The Official Guide to PTE Academic Vocabulary” by Pearson.
  • Vocabulary Flashcards: Using flashcards is the most convenient way to learn new vocabulary. You can create your own flashcards using physical index cards or can use digital flashcard platforms like Quizlet or Anki. 
  • English Literature and News: Reading English literature, newspapers, and news articles can help you learn a wide range of vocabulary. While reading, pay attention to unfamiliar or uncommon words, look up their meanings, and try to make sentences using them.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer! Take advantage of our flat 10% off discount and book your PTE exam today.

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Final Words

Building a strong vocabulary is important to score high in the PTE exam. A good vocabulary helps improves your ability to understand and analyze complex sentences. It also helps you to express yourself effectively in speaking and writing tasks. Use various resources and strategies mentioned above to improve your vocabulary for the PTE exam.

I hope this blog about the PTE vocabulary list clears all your queries and questions, but if you still have any questions, please contact our experts.

Keep visiting CourseMentor™ for more interesting and informative content like the PTE vocabulary list.


How can I improve my speaking skills for the PTE exam?

To improve your speaking skills, practice speaking English regularly, speak with native speakers, record and assess your speaking performance, and familiarize yourself with the speaking section format and scoring criteria of the PTE exam.

Is it necessary to memorize vocabulary lists for the PTE exam?

Memorizing vocabulary lists can be helpful, but focusing on understanding and using words in the text is more important.