PTE Collocation List:- A group of words that are often used together is called a collocation. They sound normal and idiomatic and make sense to people who speak English as their first language.

On the PTE, collocations are important because they are often used in the reading and writing parts. You might be asked to use a collocation to fill in the blanks in the reading part. You might be asked to write a summary or essay that uses collocations properly in the writing section.

What is Collocation in the PTE Exam?

You should learn as many collocations as possible to do well on the Reading part of the PTE. You can find lists of words that go together in a good English dictionary or online. You can also practice using collocations by reading academic papers and listening to lectures and podcasts.

Collocations are important in the PTE exam because they are often used in the Reading section. The Reading section includes a variety of tasks, such as fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice and summary. In these tasks, you will be asked to read a passage and select the correct word or phrase to complete a sentence or answer a question. Collocations can help you understand the passage’s meaning and choose the correct answer.

In a fill-in-the-blank, for example, you might be asked to use a word that means “to conclude something.” You would know that “decision” is the right answer because it is often used with “make.”

What is the PTE Collocation List?

In the PTE exam, collocation is a very useful part of scoring well in PTE. The PTE Collocation List lists the most popular and important collocations used in academic English. Pearson made it. Pearson is the company that makes the PTE test. The list has more than 2,400 words that go together and are grouped by what they mean.

The PTE Collocation List is a helpful tool for anyone studying for the PTE. It can help you understand academic English better and use the right words and sentences when you speak and write.

The PTE Collocation List can be found online or in a good English dictionary. Pearson is another place where you can get a copy of the list.

What Is the Importance of the PTE Collocation List?

Here are some points given below on the importance of the PTE collocation list:

  • It helps to improve your understanding of the English language.
  • It helps to choose the right words to phrases right speaking and writing of the English language.
  • Collocation helps to improve your reading skills in the English language.
  • Collocation also helps in tasks such as fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and summary.
  • Collocation dictionary or app to help you learn new collocations.

Where Can We Get the PTE Collocation List?

We will get the PTE Collocation list from these sources, which are given below:

  • A collocations book or app, like the Collins Collocations Dictionary or the Macmillan Collocations Dictionary.
  • A study or book to prepare for the PTE.
  • Look for Collocations that go together in academic writing and speaking.
  • Make a list of the collocations that are used together.
  • Try using the collocations together in your writing and speaking.
  • Use a collocation book or app to learn new ways to use words together.

What Are the Tips for Memorizing Collocations?

Here are some tips given below for memorizing the collocations:

Look for Collocations in Context:  Seeing them in context is one of the best ways to learn them. Pay attention to the words often used together when you read or listen to English. There are also collocation books and apps that can help you find them.

Make a list of the Collocations: Write them down once you’ve found some. This will help you keep track of the new collocations you learn that go together. You can also use your list to practice using the collocations in your writing and speaking.

Use Collocations as Much as You Can: This is the best way to learn them. Try to use the collocations you’ve learned in your writing and speaking. You can also play games or do tasks to practice using collocations.

Use Mnemonics: Mnemonics can help you remember how to use collocations together. For example, you can make a rhyme or an acronym to help you remember the phrase.

Use a Collocation Word or App: Many collocation dictionaries and apps exist. You can look up collocations and learn more about them with these tools.

Read More: PTE Writing Essay

What Are the Examples of Popular Collocations?

Here are some popular examples of collocations are given below:

Verb + noun

make a decision

take a risk

give a presentation

do the dishes

have a bath

go to the movies

Adjective + noun

good idea

interesting topic

bad news

big mistake

difficult task

new challenge

Adverb + adjective

very good

somewhat new

quite bad

really difficult

extremely interesting

quite challenging

Preposition + noun

in the morning

to the store

from work

At the end of the day

on the weekend

with a friend

Conclusion For PTE Collocation List

In this article, we will share the uses and importance of the PTE collocation list, and we are hoping that you can understand properly what we want to share with you in this article. Please stay connected with the Course Mentor for more interesting and similar topics and future updates regarding IELTS and PTE. Lastly, best of luck for your future and academic journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (PTE Collocation List)

Why is Collocation Important?

Collocations are important because they help your words sound natural. If you learn how to use collocations, your English will sound more like how native speakers say it.

What is the Use of Collocation?

Collocation is when words go together in a way that makes sense. For example, we can say “heavy rain” but not “strong rain” because it doesn’t sound right. Similarly, we can say “do exercise” but not “make exercise.” Collocations can comprise any word, including verbs, words, adverbs, and adjectives.

What are the Benefits of Studying Collocations?

It’s important to learn English collocations because they will help you figure out how to use new words properly in sentences. Many people who are learning English spend a lot of time studying so they can learn thousands of words.