Many of the students always get confused between these Java Programming Language and Java Script. Which is not a huge problem but seems like one to many of the students. So, that is why the Java vs Javascript topic became important to cover. So, here is the difference between Java and JavaScript.

What is Java?

Java is a programming language that is multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric. It’s one of the most commonly used programming languages. It was first released by Sun Microsystem in 1995 and is also used as a computing platform. Oracle Corporation later purchased it.

Features of Java

Here are the important features of Java.

  • Write down the code once and run it on almost any computing platform.
  • It is designed for the construction of object-oriented applications.
  • It’s a multithreaded language with memory management built-in.
  • Makes distributed computing as easy as its network-centric

Application of Java

Here, are some important applications of Java:

  • Android Apps
  • Enterprise Software
  • Scientific Computing Applications
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Java Programming of Hardware devices
  • Used for Server-Side Technologies like  GlassFish, Apache, JBoss, etc.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language for building interactive web pages. It follows to client-side programming, which means it operates in the user’s web browser without requiring any resources from the webserver. Other technologies, such as REST APIs, XML, and others, can also be used with JavaScript. Nowadays, JavaScript uses technologies such as Node.js.

Features of JavaScript

The following are some of the important features of javascript:

  • It’s a cross-platform programming language  it’s used on both the client and server-side
  • Workflow for Effective Testing
  • It’s simple to understand and to start coding with.
  • Added dependencies

Application of JavaScript

The following are some important applications of JavaScript: 

  • Dynamic Single-Page Applications.
  • front-End technologies such as AngularJS, jQuery, ReactJS, Ember.js are based on javascript
  • Server-side technologies such as Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB are based on javascript.
  • Mobile App Development uses React Native, PhoneGap, etc.

What are the advantages of java vs javascript?

Advantages of java

The following are some of the advantages of using Java.

  • There is detailed documentation available.
  • There is a vast pool of experienced developers available.
  • A large number of third-party libraries are available.
  • It enables you to create standard programs and code that may be reused.
  • It’s a multi-threaded environment that allows you to run multiple programmes at the same time.
  • Outstanding performance
  • Libraries that are simple to navigate

Advantages of javascripts

The advantages of using JavaScript are listed below.

  • It’s a Microsoft-sponsored open-source project.
  • designed tool for small scripts
  • Classes, interfaces, and modules are all supported.
  • JavaScript that has been compiled will run in any browser.
  • Cross-compilation is possible.
  • You can use JavaScript to develop huge apps by extending it.
  • JavaScript can be used to save and retrieve data on the user’s machine.
  • Visitor feedback as soon as possible
  • It enables you to develop user interfaces that react when the mouse hovers over.

What Are The Disadvantages Of java vs Javascript?

Disadvantages of javascript

The disadvantages of using the Java programming language are listed below.

  • The JIT compiler makes the software run slowly.
  • Java has a lot of memory and processing power. As a result, hardware prices increase.
  • Low-level programming constructs such as pointers are not supported.
  • You have no control over trash collection since Java lacks capabilities like delete() and free() ().

Disadvantages of javascript 

The disadvantages of using JavaScript are listed below.

  • Client-side The reading and writing of files is not possible with JavaScript. For security reasons, it has been maintained.
  • Because there’s not much support for JavaScript in networking applications, it can’t be used.
  • Multithreading and multiprocessor support are not available in JavaScript.

Similarities between Java and JavaScript

Yes, Java and JavaScript are similar in a variety of parameters. Some of them are: 

  • Both these programming languages are object-oriented, making them accessible to concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, etc. 
  • Java and JavaScript are the most popular languages used for web development. JavaScript is implemented as a framework for front-end development. It can be directly embedded into HTML. On the other hand, Java is used as a Java applet.
  • Both these languages can be used on the server-side as well. Java supports back-end technologies like Apache. In the case of JavaScript, Node.js offers the required environment for back-end development.
  • Java and JavaScript have a wide range of libraries and frameworks.
  • Both of these languages can be run on an Internet browser. In other words, both languages are browser compatible.

Java vs JavaScript

Java vs JavaScript has to be the area of interest for many. Having looked at how these languages are similar to each other, understanding their differences gives a better knowledge about them.


Java’s extension is “.Java”. In the case of JavaScript, the extension is “.js.”

Type of language

Java is an object-oriented programming language and static, whereas it is an object-based scripting language and dynamic.

Type of objects

Java has class-based objects. On the other hand, it makes use of prototype-based objects.


Java is used for server-side development. However, is used mainly for writing client-side scripts. 

Compilation and interpretation

It is an interpreting language, and Java is a compiling language. 


Java can be used to design applications for androids, desktops, and financial / banking applications. However, using it, one can develop web applications alone.


Java requires the data types to be declared, and in it, data types aren’t declared.


Java supports this multithreading feature with which the same memory and resources are used to execute multiple threads simultaneously. However, it doesn’t support this feature.


Java requires more memory as compared to JavaScript.

Programming paradigm

It is a multi-paradigm language meaning that it can take up OOP, scripting, or procedural as demanded by the user. On the other hand, Java is strictly object-oriented.


It supports closures, whereas Java doesn’t.

Variable definition

In the case of Java, the variables and their types should be declared before using them in the program, but in the case of JavaScript, they can be declared during execution.

Function overloading

It is yet another feature where Java has the edge over it. The former allows two or more functions with the same name to execute different tasks. It doesn’t support this feature.

Scope of variable

The variables in Java are block-based, and in the case of JavaScript, they are function-based.

Should I use JavaScript or Java for my next project?

As with any language, the decision comes down to what you’re attempting to do and the resources you have available. JavaScript is still mostly a web technology, but Java is a general-purpose programming language that can be used to create virtually anything.

You should choose Java if your project requires:

  • Android Apps
  • Enterprise Software
  • Scientific Computing
  • Big Data Analytics
  • General Purpose Programming of Hardware
  • Server-Side Technologies like Apache, Geronimo, JBoss, GlassFish, etc.

You should choose JavaScript if your project requires:

  • Dynamic single-page applications (SPAs)
  • Front-End technologies like AngularJS, jQuery, Backbone.js, ReactJS Ember.js, etc.
  • Server-Side technologies like MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, etc.
  • Mobile App Development through React Native, PhoneGap, etc.

Remember that neither list is extensive; they are simply intended to give you a sense of what to expect and what keywords you may use to determine which language is best for your needs.

Conclusion (Java Vs JavaScript)

In this blog, we have discussed java vs javascript in detail. I hope this blog is beneficial for you.

While Java is a general-purpose programming language with applications in a wide range of fields, JavaScript is a scripting language embedded in browser code such as HTML or CSS. Unlike Java, we can’t run JavaScript code as a standalone application.

on the other hand, JavaScript is still a powerful language, although one that is extremely difficult to maintain. JavaScript is a powerful language for making web pages interactive and validating data that is supported by almost all browsers.

also, read.

Java vs javascript FAQs

Is JavaScript easier to learn than Java?

When compared to Java, JavaScript has a smaller set of commands and the grammar is less strict. As a result, learning JavaScript is far easier than learning Java, especially for a beginning programmer.

Do I need to know Java to learn JavaScript?

No. Java and JavaScript don’t have anything in common. To learn JavaScript, you only need a basic understanding of programming.