
When it comes to proving your English proficiency for academic or immigration purposes, tests like PTE (Pearson Test of English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System) are two popular choices. But if you’re faced with the decision of which one to take, you might wonder: Is PTE easier than IELTS? Let’s dive into the details to find out.

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What Are The Factors For Comparing: Is PTE Easier Than IELTS?

When comparing whether PTE is easier than IELTS, several factors come into play:

  • Test Format: The structure and organization of the exam, including the sections and tasks involved.
  • Scoring System: How scores are calculated and the criteria used to evaluate performance.
  • Content and Difficulty Level: The types of questions and tasks presented in the exam and their level of complexity.
  • Preparation Materials and Resources: The availability and quality of study materials, practice tests, and resources for exam preparation.
  • Test Taker Experience and Feedback: Insights from individuals who have taken both exams, including their perceptions of difficulty and tips for success.
  • Institution and Country Preferences: The preferences of universities, immigration authorities, and employers regarding which test scores they accept or prefer.

Is PTE Easier Than IELTS?

Test FormatComputer-based test.Tasks include speaking, writing, reading, and listening sections.Integrated tasks where skills are tested simultaneously.Combination of paper-based and computer-based tasks.Similar sections to PTE with speaking, writing, reading, and listening components.Separate speaking interview with an examiner.
Scoring SystemAutomated scoring system based on AI algorithms.Instant results available within 5 business days.Human examiners assess speaking and writing tasks.Results available within 13 days.
Content and DifficultyTasks may include summarizing spoken texts, writing essays, and answering multiple-choice questions.Content can vary in difficulty.Tasks may involve describing graphs, writing essays, and answering comprehension questions.Content difficulty can also vary.
Preparation ResourcesVarious study guides, practice tests, and online resources available.Official preparation materials provided by Pearson.Numerous study guides, practice tests, and online resources available.Official preparation materials provided by Cambridge English.
Test Taker ExperienceTest takers report varying experiences, some finding certain sections challenging while others find them manageable.Personal preferences and strengths influence perceived difficulty.Similar to PTE, experiences vary among test takers.Some find speaking tasks nerve-wracking, while others struggle with writing.
Institution PreferencesSome universities and countries accept PTE scores for admission and immigration purposes.Recognition is growing, but IELTS remains more widely accepted in some regions.Widely recognized by universities, immigration authorities, and employers globally.Often preferred in countries where PTE is less common.


In Australia, both PTE and IELTS are widely accepted for immigration and university admissions. While some institutions accept both, others may have a preference for one over the other.

For instance, University A might accept PTE scores but require a higher overall score compared to IELTS. Conversely, University B might only accept IELTS scores for certain programs. This illustrates how institution preferences can impact test takers’ decisions regarding which exam to take.

Overall, determining whether PTE is easier than IELTS depends on various factors, including individual preferences, strengths, and the specific requirements of institutions or countries.

What Are The Factors That Influence the Comparison?

Determining whether PTE is easier than IELTS depends on various factors:

Individual Preferences

  • Some individuals may find the format or tasks of one test more suitable to their learning style.
  • For example, those comfortable with technology might prefer the computer-based format of PTE, while others might prefer the traditional paper-based tasks of IELTS.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Each test assesses different language skills, and individuals may excel in certain areas while finding others challenging.
  • Someone with strong writing skills might prefer PTE’s essay tasks, while someone with excellent speaking abilities might find IELTS’ face-to-face speaking interview more comfortable.

Specific Requirements of Institutions or Countries

  • The preference for PTE or IELTS can vary among universities, immigration authorities, and employers.
  • Some institutions accept both tests, while others may have a preference for one over the other based on historical reasons or specific program requirements.

Test Format and Content

  • The format and content of each test can influence perceived difficulty.
  • PTE’s computer-based format and integrated tasks might appeal to individuals comfortable with technology, while IELTS’ mix of paper-based and computer-based tasks might suit others.

Scoring System and Feedback

  • The scoring system and feedback mechanisms of each test can impact test takers’ perceptions of difficulty.
  • Instant scoring and feedback in PTE might be preferred by those who want immediate results, while others might appreciate the human touch in IELTS’ speaking and writing assessments.

Preparation Resources

  • The availability and quality of preparation materials and resources for each test can affect how well individuals can prepare.
  • Access to comprehensive study guides, practice tests, and online resources tailored to each test can contribute to a test taker’s confidence and readiness.

Considering these factors can help individuals make an informed decision about which test aligns best with their needs and circumstances. Ultimately, there is no definitive answer to whether PTE is easier than IELTS, as it varies from person to person. What’s important is selecting the test that allows you to demonstrate your English proficiency most effectively.

Is PTE Easy To Pass?

Whether PTE is easy to pass depends on various factors, including individual proficiency in English, preparation efforts, and familiarity with the test format. Here are some considerations:

  • English Proficiency: PTE assesses proficiency in English across speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. For individuals with a strong command of the English language, the test may be easier to pass compared to those with weaker language skills.
  • Preparation: Adequate preparation plays a significant role in passing the PTE exam. Familiarizing oneself with the test format, practicing sample questions, and honing language skills can increase the likelihood of success.
  • Test Format: Some test takers find the computer-based format of PTE more comfortable and convenient, while others may prefer traditional paper-based tests. The format preference can impact perceived ease of passing the exam.
  • Scoring System: PTE employs an automated scoring system based on AI algorithms. Understanding the scoring criteria and tailoring responses to meet these requirements can improve the chances of achieving a desirable score.
  • Individual Factors: Factors such as test-taking anxiety, time management skills, and adaptability to different question types can influence the ease of passing the PTE exam.

Overall, while some individuals may find PTE relatively easier to pass due to its format or scoring system, others may encounter challenges depending on their proficiency level and preparation efforts. It’s essential for test takers to assess their own abilities, dedicate sufficient time to preparation, and approach the exam with confidence to increase their chances of success.


After examining various factors such as test format, scoring system, content, preparation resources, test taker experiences, and institutional preferences, it’s clear that determining is PTE easier than IELTS isn’t straightforward.

Both tests have their pros and cons, and what may be easy for one person could be challenging for another. Ultimately, it’s essential to consider your individual strengths, preferences, and goals when deciding which test to take. 

Whichever test you choose, adequate preparation and practice are key to achieving your desired score.