Students who want to migrate abroad to work or study in an English-speaking country take the IELTS exam.
IELTS measures students’ language proficiency in four different modules;
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
You will get plenty of material in the market to prepare for listening, reading, and writing modules, but it is hard to find the perfect study material for IELTS speaking.
So I have collected the information about the best IELTS speaking books that will help you get desired band score in IELTS speaking.
I will give every necessary detail about the books that will help you select the best book for IELTS speaking.
You will also get the features that an IELTS speaking book must have.
So let’s get started without wasting any more time!
Features of IELTS Speaking Books
It is very important for students to choose the best book for IELTS speaking. There are some features that you must look for before selecting any book to practice.
Let’s have a look at the features that a good IELTS speaking book must have!
Explanation Of IELTS Speaking Format
The book you choose must have a complete explanation of the IELTS speaking format. If you do not have a proper understanding of the speaking format, then it will be hard for you to get a good score in IELTS speaking.
So choose the one that has a clear explanation of the question that students will face in IELTS speaking and how they can answer those questions.
Sample Questions With Answers
Students must choose a book that has plenty of sample questions that students can practice and improve their speaking.
The questions in IELTS speaking must have sample answers from where students can get an idea about how to answer the questions in IELTS speaking.
Tips And Strategies To Score High
The book you choose should have tips and strategies that work for every level of English learner (Beginner, intermediate, and expert).
So go for the book that has all these features so that you can improve your speaking skills from that book and get your desired band score.
IELTS Speaking Books

The most effective way to prepare for the speaking part of IELTS is by reading books that are specially designed to help students with IELTS speaking.
Here are some IELTS speaking books that will clear your basics and help you greatly:
- Everyday English For Grown UPS: Getting To Grips With The Basics
- English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide- Comprehensive Visual Reference
- English Collocations in use Intermediate Book with Answers
- Practice Makes Perfect English Conversation 3rd Edition
- Find Your Voice – The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation
- The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
- Ship or Sheep?
Everyday English For Grown UPS: Getting To Grips With The Basics
This book is written by Michelle Finlay. This book for IELTS speaking deals with the basics of the English language.
The author has explained the basic rules of English in a simple way. The main attraction of the book is the huge number of examples that it contains.
It consists of hundreds of examples of sentences, questions, and their answers, and even describes the functional part of English, that is, essays, letters, reports, article writing, etc.
This book tries to help native and non-native speakers to gain fluency and clarity about the language.
This book for IELTS speaking has a rating of 4.5/5 on Amazon. It has been purchased by thousands of readers worldwide to improve their grip on the language.
The current price of this book on Amazon starts from INR 240. This is the first book on the list of IELTS speaking books.
English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide- Comprehensive Visual Reference
English for Everyone is a great book for IELTS speaking. This book mainly helps non-native English students to support English learning for non-native students starting from a beginner level going to the intermediate and also includes advanced English.
This book focuses on offering guidance for both teaching English as a non-native language and a self-study way for students to improve their IELTS English speaking, reading, and writing.
English for Everyone book includes:
- Sample English language examples: New language topics are included in the book using clear, visualized, and color-based explanations
- Supporting audio CD: Extensive English-speaking audio materials are included in every topic, giving important oral and listening practice.
- Quick references: Simple and practical units, included in both the Course and Practice Books for easy relating and teaching.
- Sentence formation tips: Visual depictions of important English grammar in use, showing students how to recreate complex English sentences
- Visual English vocabulary: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with color-based depictions are provided throughout the book.
- Personalized experience: Writing on lines help IELTS students to write their prompts and translations.
This book aims to help students prepare for various English Language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, CEFR, etc.
English for Everyone book has a rating of 4.5/5 on Amazon. The current price of this book on Amazon starts from INR 1775. This is the second book on the list of IELTS speaking books.
English Collocations in use Intermediate Book with Answers(How Words Work Together for Fluent and Natural English)
This book helps students improve their fluency and helps them sound like native English speakers. Collocations are combinations of words that often are seen together.
This book consists of explanations and a clear understanding of English collocations for intermediate-level students of English.
It particularly aims to help students who are preparing for B1, and B2 levels of IELTS. Efficient for both self study and teaching activities.
Students can learn collocations in context, with numerous different topics, including ‘Using the Internet and ‘Presentations’.
This book also helps students build confidence about what they are learning, includes Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and provides better help for self-study, with study tips and activities.
This book is particularly efficient for preparing for the English language testing IELTS, which often requires knowledge of collocations.
English Collocations in Use Intermediate Book with Answers book has a rating of 4.5/5 on Amazon.
The current price of English Collocations in Use Intermediate Book with Answers on Amazon starts from INR 2549. These IELTS speaking books will help you to improve your band score.
Practice Makes Perfect English Conversation 3rd Edition (NTC FOREIGN LANGUAGE)
This book helps students gain the skills needed to converse in English with clarity and confidence! Conversing easefully in a new language for non-native speakers can seem like a daunting task.
This book has an accessible guide that will help students prepare for IELTS speaking to build the skills to communicate in English with confidence.
The book is integrated with precise and clear explanations, various real-life examples, and numerous engaging exercises to help students hone their conversation skills.
Students will learn how to introduce themselves, make appointments, start conversations, and many more things that require a good grip on the English language.
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation contains around 12 units that showcase specific conversational situations and everyday situations.
Each topic contains helpful instructions on correct pronunciation, grammar, and word usage of the English language. The book also provides access to the exclusive McGraw-Hill Language app.
This app features streaming audio recordings of the dialogues in the book. It also contains the answers to more than 100 exercises. Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation will help students to engage in dialogues that use practical conversations, it will help to Expand students’ English vocabulary for IELTS speaking, and Get clarification of various concepts with real-life examples.
It empowers students to reinforce their new conversational skills through extensive helpful exercises. This book will test students’ understanding of key themes.
Lastly, it will Improve students’ pronunciation through audio dialogs and exercises.
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation book has a rating of 4.5/5 on Amazon. The current price of the Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation book on Amazon starts from INR 1108.
This is the fourth book on the list of IELTS speaking books.
Find Your Voice – The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation
‘This book is brilliant! It will surely change lives.’ – Suzy Walker, Editor in Chief, Psychologies’ This book is a complete guide to speaking and overcoming stage fear by the best voice coach – Viv Groskop.
Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation is based on decades of experience helping broadcasters, celebs, teachers, and top professionals speak English easefully in front of others; celebrated voice teacher and communication coach Caroline Goyder shows students how to:· Gain the full potential of their body, breath, and voice·
Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation truly connects to others in an unorganized distracted world· This book will help students stand out as calm speakers whatever their situation.
Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation has a rating of 4.5/5 on Amazon.
It is also available at a low price. The current price of Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation is INR 250 on Amazon.
This is the fifth book on the list of IELTS speaking books.
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
This book for IELTS speaking is written by a famous motivational writer Dale Carnegie. In this book, you will get some tips to
- Overcome the stage fear and build self-confidence
- How can you maintain the interest of the listener
- Feeling confidence in the social gatherings
If you develop all the above-mentioned skills, it will be very beneficial for your speaking, and you will become a powerful, effective speaker.
You should give this at least one try to this book because this book will not only be beneficial for your speaking test but also help you in real life.
Out of 5, this book gets 4.3 stars on Amazon. You can buy The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking at a very low price (₹105.00) from the Amazon official website.
This is the sixth book on the list of IELTS speaking books.
Ship or Sheep?
It may be clear from the name of this book that the main purpose of this book is to improve your pronunciation. Pronunciation is an important part of IELTS speaking. You need to improve your pronunciation to get a good band score in IELTS speaking.
This book is written by a world-known writer Ann Baker. This book is said to be best for beginners for the systematic practice of English pronunciation.
This book will help you learn all the major basic concepts of English step-by-step. For example, vowels, consonants, and syllables.
You can call this the perfect buddy for your IELTS speaking preparation.
This book has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 on Amazon. This book is quite expensive compared to the books mentioned above, but let me tell you one thing if you buy this book, you won’t regret your decision. This book will help you make the learning process easy. You can buy this book from Amazon at the price of ₹3,176.92.
This is the seventh book on the list of IELTS speaking books.
In this blog, I have discussed IELTS speaking books. The speaking part is a crucial part of the IELTS exam. Scoring good marks in the speaking section can help students get more bands.
Students should go through the contents of all the books for IELTS speaking and then should analyze which book covers the topics in which they are weak.
Reading books for IELTS speaking will help students strengthen their grip on the English language.
I hope all the students have gotten an idea about IELTS speaking books that can help them achieve their scores.
I hope this blog has cleared all your queries, if you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our experts.
For more interesting and informative content like this, keep visiting CourseMentor™.
Is it easy to get 8.5 in IELTS?
No, getting an 8.5 band score in the IELTS exam is not a cup of tea. You need to be perfect in every part of the IELTS speaking and use phrases, advanced vocabulary, and examples in your speaking. You also need to speak fluently for an 8.5 score.
Does IELTS repeat questions?
Yes, IELTS repeats questions, especially in the speaking part. It may be possible that you can get the same question in IELTS speaking cue card section if you take the exam twice at a month or two gaps.
Can I use a dictionary during the IELTS speaking test?
No, students are not allowed to use a dictionary during English-speaking tests, however, they can ask for clarification from the examiner if they have any doubts about a question.