Hello Readers, In today’s post we try to give you the vital information about how many programming languages are there these languages are helpful to create amazing technologies that we use for our daily life from a wristwatch to AI-controlled smart homes. According to Wikipedia and other reliable sources, there are 700 programming languages exist.
Types of Programming languages
You are a bit surprised because we just talk about a bunch of popular programming languages like C, C++, Java, and Python. These programming languages are divided by their types that are given below:
(A) Procedural Programming Language
Procedural programming follows a step by step set of commands. In this type of programming, the program is broken into pieces. Examples of procedural programming languages. Basic, C, Java, and Pascal. These are used to create software.
(B) Functional Programming Language
In the world of computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs
(C) Object-oriented Programming Language
Also known as OOPs this paradigm based on the objects where data contained in the field of a form of procedures. OOP’s implement real-world entities like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. The main objective of OOP is to tie together the information and the capacities that work on them with the goal that no other piece of the code can get to this information aside from that capacity.
(D) Scripting Programming Language
This is a runtime environment language. It has a series of commands they are basically used to create dynamic web pages. Examples of scripting languages are: JavaScript, ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl, Tcl and Python are examples of scripting languages.
(E) Logic Programming Language
Logic programming languages is largely based on formal logic. There are few examples of logic programming languages. Prolog gave rise to the logic programming languages ALF, Fril, Gödel, Mercury, Oz, Ciao, Visual Prolog, and XSB.
Here are all the Programming languages:
Below are the 723 programming languages according to Wikipedia
A# .NET | EusLisp Robot Programming Language | Mary | rc |
A-0 System | CMS EXEC (EXEC) | MASM Microsoft Assembly x86 | Reason |
A++ | Executable UML | Mathematica | Red |
ABAP | Ezhil | MATLAB | Redcode |
ABC | F | Maxima (see also Macsyma) | REFAL |
ABC ALGOL | F | Max (Max Msp – Graphical Programming Environment) | REXX |
ACC | F# | MaxScript internal language 3D Studio Max | Rlab |
Accent | F* | Maya (MEL) | ROOP |
Ace DASL (Distributed Application Specification Language) | Factor | MDL | RPG |
Action! | Fantom | Mercury | RPL |
ActionScript | FAUST | Mesa | RSL |
Actor | FFP | Metafont | RTL/2 |
Ada | fish | MHEG-5 (Interactive TV programming language) | Ruby |
Adenine | Fjölnir | Microcode | Rust |
Agda | FL | MicroScript | S |
Agilent VEE | Flavors | MIIS | S |
Agora | Flex | Milk (programming language) | S2 |
AIMMS | FlooP | MIMIC | S3 |
Aldor | FLOW-MATIC | Mirah | S-Lang |
Alef | FOCAL | Miranda | S-PLUS |
ALF | FOCUS | MIVA Script | SA-C |
ALGOL 58 | FOIL | MIVA Script | SabreTalk |
ALGOL 60 | FORMAC | Mixal | SAIL |
ALGOL 68 | @Formula | ML | SAM76 |
ALGOL W | Forth | Model 204 | SAS |
Alice | Fortran – ISO/IEC 1539 | Modelica | SASL |
Alma-0 | Fortress | Modula | Sather |
AmbientTalk | FP | Modula-2 | Sawzall |
Amiga E | Franz Lisp | Modula-3 | Scala |
AMOS | Futhark | Mohol | Scheme |
AMPL | F-Script | MOO | Scilab |
AngelScript | G | Mortran | Scratch |
Apex | Game Maker Language | Mouse | Script.NET |
APL | GameMonkey Script | MPD | Sed |
App Inventor for Android’s visual block language | GAMS | Mathcad | Seed7 |
AppleScript | GAP | MSL | Self |
APT | G-code | MUMPS | SenseTalk |
Arc | GDScript | MuPAD | SequenceL |
ARexx | Genie | Mutan | Serpent |
Argus | GDL | Mystic Programming Language (MPL) | SETL |
Assembly language | GEORGE | N | SIMPOL |
AutoHotkey | GLSL | NASM | SIGNAL |
AutoLISP / Visual LISP | GNU E | Napier88 | SiMPLE |
Averest | Go | Neko | SIMSCRIPT |
AWK | Go! | Nemerle | Simula |
Axum | GOAL | NESL | Simulink |
Active Server Pages | Gödel | Net.Data | Singkong |
B | Golo | NetLogo | Singularity |
B | GOM (Good Old Mad) | NetRexx | SISAL |
Babbage | Google Apps Script | NewLISP | SLIP |
Ballerina | Gosu | NEWP | SMALL |
Bash | GOTRAN | Newspeak | Smalltalk |
BASIC | GPSS | NewtonScript | SML |
bc | GraphTalk | Next Generation Shell | Strongtalk |
BCPL | GRASS | Nial | Snap! |
BeanShell | Grasshopper | Nice | SNOBOL (SPITBOL) |
Batch file (Windows/MS-DOS) | Groovy | Nickle (NITIN) | Snowball |
Bertrand | H | Nim | SOL |
BETA | Hack | NPL | Solidity |
Bertrand | HAGGIS | Not eXactly C (NXC) | SOPHAEROS |
BLISS | HAL/S | Not Quite C (NQC) | Source |
Blockly | Halide (programming language) | NSIS | SPARK |
BlooP | Hamilton C shell | Nu | Speakeasy |
Boo | Harbour | NWScript | Speedcode |
Boomerang | Hartmann pipelines | NXT-G | SPIN |
Bourne shell (including bash and ksh) | Haskell | O | SP/k |
C | Haxe | o:XML | SPS |
C | Hermes | Oak | SQL |
C– (C minus minus) | High Level Assembly | Oberon | SQR |
C++ (C plus plus) – ISO/IEC 14882 | HLSL | OBJ2 | Squeak |
C* | Hollywood | Object Lisp | Squirrel |
C# (C sharp) – ISO/IEC 23270 | HolyC | ObjectLOGO | SR |
C/AL | Hop | Object REXX | S/SL |
Caché ObjectScript | Hopscotch | Object Pascal | Starlogo |
C Shell (csh) | Hope | Objective-C | Strand |
Caml | Hugo | Objective-J | Stata |
Cayenne | Hume | Obliq | Stateflow |
CDuce | HyperTalk | OCaml | Subtext |
Cecil | I | occam | SBL |
Cesil | Io | occam-π | SuperCollider |
Céu | Icon | Octave | SuperTalk |
Ceylon | IBM Basic assembly language | OmniMark | Swift (Apple programming language) |
CFEngine | IBM HAScript | Onyx | Swift (parallel scripting language) |
Cg | IBM Informix-4GL | Opa | SYMPL |
Ch | IBM RPG | Opal | SystemVerilog |
Chapel | Irineu | OpenCL | T |
Charity | IDL | OpenEdge ABL | T |
Charm | Idris | OPL | TACL |
CHILL | Inform | OpenVera | TACPOL |
CHIP-8 | J | OPS5 | TADS |
chomski | J | OptimJ | TAL |
ChucK | J# | Orc | Tcl |
Cilk | J++ | ORCA/Modula-2 | Tea |
Citrine | JADE | Oriel | TECO |
CL (IBM) | JAL | Orwell | TELCOMP |
Claire | Janus (concurrent constraint programming language) | Oxygene | TeX |
Clarion | Janus (time-reversible computing programming language) | Oz | TEX |
Clean | JASS | P | TIE |
Clipper | Java | P | TMG, compiler-compiler |
CLIPS | JavaFX Script | P4 | Tom |
CLIST | JavaScript | P′′ | TOM |
Clojure | Jess (programming language) | ParaSail (programming language) | Toi |
CLU | JCL | PARI/GP | Topspeed |
CMS-2 | JEAN | Pascal – ISO 7185 | TPU |
COBOL – ISO/IEC 1989 | Join Java | Pascal Script | Trac |
CobolScript – COBOL Scripting language | JOSS | PCASTL | TTM |
Cobra | Joule | PCF | T-SQL |
CoffeeScript | JOVIAL | PEARL | Transcript |
ColdFusion | Joy | PeopleCode | TTCN |
COMAL | JScript | Perl | Turing |
Combined Programming Language (CPL) | JScript .NET | PDL | TUTOR |
COMIT | Julia | Pharo | TXL |
Common Intermediate Language (CIL) | Jython | PHP | TypeScript |
Common Lisp (also known as CL) | K | Pico | Tynker |
COMPASS | K | Picolisp | U |
Component Pascal | Kaleidoscope | Pict | Ubercode |
Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) | Karel | Pig (programming tool) | UCSD Pascal |
COMTRAN | KEE | Pike | Umple |
Cool | Kixtart | PILOT | Unicon |
Coq | Klerer-May System | Pipelines | Uniface |
Coral 66 | KIF | Pinecone | UNITY |
CorVision | Kojo | Pizza | Unix shell |
COWSEL | Kotlin | PL-11 | UnrealScript |
CPL | KRC | PL/0 | V |
Cryptol | KRL | PL/B | Vala |
Crystal | KRL (KUKA Robot Language) | PL/C | Verilog |
Csound | KRYPTON | PL/I – ISO 6160 | VHDL |
Cuneiform | Korn shell (ksh) | PL/M | Vim script |
Curl | Kodu | PL/P | Viper |
Curry | Kv | PL/SQL | Visual Basic |
Cybil | L | PL360 | Visual Basic .NET |
Cyclone | LabVIEW | PLANC | Visual DataFlex |
Cython | Ladder | Plankalkül | Visual DialogScript |
D | LANSA | Planner | Visual Fortran |
D | Lasso | PLEX | Visual FoxPro |
DASL (Datapoint’s Advanced Systems Language) | Lava | PLEXIL | Visual J++ |
Dart | LC-3 | Plus | Visual LISP |
Darwin | Legoscript | Pony | Visual Objects |
DataFlex | LIL | POP-11 | Visual Prolog |
Datalog | LilyPond | POP-2 | VSXu |
DATATRIEVE | Limbo | PostScript | W |
dBase | Limnor | PortablE | WATFIV, WATFOR |
dc | LINC | POV-Ray SDL | WebAssembly |
DCL | Lingo | Powerhouse | WebDNA |
DinkC | LINQ | PowerBuilder – 4GL GUI application generator from Sybase | Whiley |
DIBOL | LIS | PowerShell | Winbatch |
Dog | LISA | PPL | Wolfram Language |
Draco | Lisp – ISO/IEC 13816 | Processing | Wyvern |
DRAKON | Lite-C | Processing.js | X |
Dylan | Lithe | Prograph | X++ |
DYNAMO | Little b | PROIV | X10 |
DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) | LLL | Prolog | xBase |
E | Logo | PROMAL | xBase++ |
E | Logtalk | Promela | XBL |
Ease | LotusScript | PROSE modeling language | XC (targets XMOS architecture) |
Easy PL/I | LPC | PROTEL | xHarbour |
eC | LSL | Pro*C | Xojo |
ECMAScript | LiveCode | Pure | XOTcl |
Edinburgh IMP | LiveScript | Pure Data | XOD (programming language) |
EGL | Lua | PureScript | XPath |
Eiffel | Lucid | Python | XPL |
ELAN | Lustre | Q | XPL0 |
Elixir | LYaPAS | Q (programming language from Kx Systems) | XQuery |
Elm | Lynx | Q# (Microsoft programming language) | XSB |
Emacs Lisp | M | Qalb | XSharp |
Emerald | M2001 | QtScript | XSLT |
Epigram | M4 | QuakeC | Xtend |
EPL (Easy Programming Language) | M# | QPL | Y |
EPL (Eltron Programming Language) | Machine code | Qbasic | Yorick |
Erlang | MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder) | R | YQL |
es | MAD/I | R | Yoix |
Escher | Magik | R++ | YUI |
ESPOL | Magma | Racket | Z |
Esterel | Maude system | Raku | Z notation |
Etoys | Máni | RAPID | Zebra, ZPL, ZPL2 |
Euclid | Maple | Rapira | Zeno |
Euler | MAPPER (now part of BIS) | Ratfiv | ZetaLisp |
Euphoria | MARK-IV (now VISION:BUILDER) | Ratfor | ZOPL |
Zsh | |||
ZPL | |||
Z++ |